The Flopro range is designed to deal with sustained periods of hot dry weather and helps gardeners to conserve more water at this time.
Consumers are currently being asked to use water sparingly and there is a hose pipe ban in Northern Ireland.
It is possible to keep gardens flourishing through more efficient use of Eco Smart rain water and solar energy using the reservoir system. The use of specially designed irrigation equipment such as the Flopro Soaker Hose simplifies watering ensuring economical and precise watering along its 15 metre length which saves up to 70% of water.
Eco Smart Systems utilise solar efficiency, the more sun, the more it waters. Designed for use with water butts and other non-pressured water sources. The system is easy to set up and use, delivering water every 3 hours. A night mode system detects darkness and switches the controller off to prevent watering unnecessarily. A 200 litre water butt typically lasts for 3 weeks.
Flopro Plug & Go Watering kits covering pots & containers, greenhouses and raised beds & borders really makes efficient use of water in the current environment using as little as 1.2 to 1.3 litres per hour. The universal fit with any water timer allows for fully automatic and economic watering. The kits are convenient, quick and easy to set up and simple to use.
Flopro+ Digital Timer and Flopro Mechanical Timer enable accurate and precise watering. The LCD digital model is easily programmable allowing for automatic and manual modes with regular or short irrigation intervals. The timers offer the ideal watering solutions around the garden ensuring the right amount of water is delivered at the right time of day to equipment such as sprinklers.
Flopro takes water conservation seriously.
Further information is available from the Crest Garden sales team or www.flopro-uk.com