Fleuroselect, the international organisation for the ornamental plants industry, is proud to announce that the FleuroStar Award 2018/19 goes to Osteospermum ecklonis Purple Sun from Selecta one. Breeder Maike Boxriker accepted the prize from FleuroStar Committee Chairman Heike Gronemann and Fleuroselect President ad interim Jean-François Ignasse.
Osteospermum Purple Sun from Selecta one was competing against Begonia Bossa Nova Night Fever Papaya (Floranova), Fragraria Summer Breeze Rose (ABZ Seeds), Salvia Mysty (Florensis) and Tagetes Little Duck Orange (Ameriseed).
Heike Gronemann, Chairwoman of the Jury:"Purple Sun convinced the jury with its impressive visual impact at point of sale and commercial potential. Purple Sun will be a true Winner with the Wow Factor for the entire industry."

Purple Sun, a warm summer glow in the garden
Like the summer sun setting over the ocean, such is the colour play of the latest Osteospermum ecklonis Purple Sun from Selecta one's FlowerPower series. Several shades of orange fade into a deep purple ring that surrounds the heart of the flower. Growers will love the good branching and the easily controllable plant habit. Purple Sun can perfectly be integrated in any existing Osteo production scheme and the enchanting orange-purple colour combination will genuinely shine at point of sale. Consumers will love the non-fading colours and excellent outdoor performance.
FleuroStar Evening - Breeding meets Retail
The new 'Winner with the Wow Factor' was announced at the FleuroStar Evening on Thursday 14 June at Florensis in Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht (NL). Attended by approx. 120 persons, the second edition of the event was a big success. Jean-François Ignasse, President ad Interim of Fleuroselect: "Tonight, I saw breeders, young plant producers, distributors and retailers exchanging views on the latest pot and bedding introductions. FleuroStar truly connects the entire industry, a beautiful evolution indeed."
Jardiland joins FleuroStar Jury
Laurent Foucault of the French garden centre chain Jardiland joined his colleagues from the Dutch Intratuin and German Obi in the 2018 FleuroStar jury. In total, over 30 professionals in breeding, production, trade and retail evaluate each entry on point of sale attractiveness and commercial potential.
Marketing boost
The new FleuroStar winner will receive considerable marketing support. Next to conducting an international press campaign, Fleuroselect promotes the new winner at trade fairs and industry events. Contest sponsors Pull Position, a marketing agency specialised in retail promotion, offers a tailor made marketing project whereas DeschPlantpak dedicates a full spread in its next lifestyle brochure to the new winner. Stokvis, the production house behind various Dutch gardening television programmes, offers a free product placement feature in its star show 'de Grote Tuinverbouwing'.
About FleuroStar
The FleuroStar Contest is held annually during the FlowerTrials week in June in the Netherlands and Germany. Fleuroselect members can enter their top breeding breakthrough of the season to become the new 'Winner with the Wow Factor'.