Laburnum anagyroides Yellow Rocket® from Frank P Matthews has been crowned this year as Best in Show at the New Plant Awards on the opening morning of the HTA National Plant Show at Stoneleigh Park, Coventry.
Laburnum anagyroides Yellow Rocket® is a fantastic form of the already popular spring flowering Laburnum. It is a columnar growing tree with a very narrow upright habit so perfect for any size of garden and even patios and balconies. The bright sunny yellow pendant flowers adorn the tree in May creating a beautiful sunny effect and perfect for attracting bees and butterflies to the garden. It is also winter hardy and heat resistant.
The New Plant Awards, sponsored by the RHS, are the beating heart of the show and create an area bursting with inspiration for our visitors.
Judging Panel member Sabatino Urzo from RHS comments, “We really were spoilt for choice with this year’s plants with all the category winners really bringing something different to the market. It was a unanimous decision that the Laburnum won overall – perfect for gardens of all sizes with its compact nature and bright yellow flowers.”
The winners are:

Gold and Best in Category – - Helianthus annuus SUNBELIEVABLE BROWN EYED GIRL Sunbeliv01’ from Thompson & Morgan (pictured below)
Gold - Cobbins Nursery Ltd - Helianthus Hybrida Sunfinity®

Silver - Syngenta UK Ltd - Impatiens walleriana Imara
Silver - Thompson & Morgan - Isotoma axillaris FIZZ N’ POP GLOWING PURPLE ‘Tmlu1301’
Silver - Newey - Dahlia Hypnotica Icarus
Silver - Newey - Dahlia XXL Calaya
Silver – Earley Ornamentals Ltd – Pansy Freefall XL Bright Yellow
Silver - Thompson & Morgan - Begonia x tuberhybrida FRAGRANT FALLS ORANGE ‘Tmbg1307’
Bronze - Javado UK - Dianthus – Hilkaylee
Bronze - Newey - Petunia Sweetunia Miss Marvelous
Herbaceous Perennials

Gold and Best in Category – Eryngium Magical Blue Globe from Allensmore Nurseries Ltd

Silver - Allensmore Nurseries Ltd - Eryngium Magical Blue Lagoon
Silver – Farplants - Digitalis 'Firebird'
Silver – Farplants - Gaura lindheimeri ‘Walberton’s Gold Fountain’
Silver – Farplants - Salvia ‘Rockin Deep Purple’
Silver - Seiont Nurseries Ltd - Heuchera Isabella
Silver - Whetman Pinks Ltd - Bridal Star
Silver - Whetman Pinks Ltd - Flutterby
Silver - Kernock Park Plants - Heuchera Primo 'Wild Rose’
Bronze - Lovania Nurseries Ltd - Ligularia Pandora
Bronze - Lovania Nurseries Ltd - Ajuga tenorii Princess Nadia '
Bronze - Seiont Nurseries Ltd - Heuchera Madison Bride
Bronze - Wyevale Nurseries Ltd - Salvia Kisses and Wishes
Bronze - Wyevale Nurseries Ltd - Veronica Pink Passion

Gold and Best in Category – FICUS ELASTICA PETIT MELANY from Plant Partners

Silver - Javado UK - Zantedeschia Frozen Planet
Silver - Profitplant UK & Batchmere Ltd - Hydrangea Macrophylla Campino
Bronze - Javado UK - Cambria
Bronze - Javado UK - Cambria RENAISSANCE® CORAL
Bronze - Javado UK - Heliconia psittacorum Curaçao
Bronze - Javado UK - Chrysanthemum (Indicum Grp) Yin Yang
Bronze - Javado UK - Phalaenopsis Indian Summer 501371
Bronze - Plant Partners - Epipremnum pinnatum ‘Marble Planet’
Bronze - Plant Partners - Phalaenopsis Little Kolibri Orchids Lausanne
Bronze - Profitplant UK & Batchmere Ltd - Begonia Elatior Pigonia
Shrubs and Climbers

Gold and Best in Category - Rose ‘Timeless Purple’from Whartons Roses

Silver – Farplants - Spiraea japonica 'Walberton’s Plumtastic'
Silver - Hillier Nurseries Ltd - Hydrangea aspera ssp sargentiana 'Gold Rush' (GIEL)
Silver - Lovania Nurseries Ltd - Hydrangea paniculata Polestar
Silver - Lovania Nurseries Ltd - Berberis thunbergii Orange Sunrise
Silver - Seiont Nurseries Ltd - Diervilla splendens Diva
Silver - New Leaf Plants Ltd - Clematic Prince Louis
Bronze - Fairweathers & Darby's Nursery Stock - Lavandula Fairy Wings Blush
Bronze - Plant Partners - Loropetalum chinense Ruby Snow (‘Iwai’PBR) EU 20152503
Bronze - The Bransford Webbs Plant Company, Seiont and Lowaters- Hebe 'Starlight'
Trees and Conifers

Gold and Best in Category – Laburnum anagyroides Yellow Rocket® from Frank P Matthews Limited
Silver - Frank P Matthews Limited - Apple Eden®
This year’s judging panel included Ken Cox from Glendoick Garden Centre, Sabatino Urzo from The RHS, Val and Steve Bradley from The Sun Gardening Correspondents with HTA’s Martin Simmons overseeing.
All the entries were validated by Joy of Plants.
In addition to the formal announcement in the New Plant Awards area on the opening morning of the show there was also a seminar session for visitors highlighting the award-winning plants and the benefits that they bring to help bolster plant sales.
All New Plant Award entries can be viewed at the show and visitors too can have their say by taking part in the Visitor Vote Awards, sponsored by Floramedia. The winner of the Visitor Vote Award will be announced on the afternoon of Wednesday 20 June.