Real reindeers, and camels, proved to be a big success at Planters Garden Centre despite protests by animal rights activists posted on Facebook.
“The reindeers are our own so we have a strong animal welfare message,” said company director Gerald Ingram.
“We also had camels on the weekend the protestors were at their most vocal and they also proved to be a great success.
“Next year I might make a stronger case that our reindeers have been saved from the Scandinavian meat and skins industry, so we’re seen as being more of a reindeer sanctuary.”
As part of the garden centre’s grotto experience, visiting children are invited to help mix a Christmas Eve reindeer food but Gerald picked up a valuable lesson as a result.
“We need to be more careful about making sure it does not contain nuts and give warnings on the booking page and in the grotto about traces of nuts,” added Gerald. “One little boy become ill after visiting on Christmas Eve because of this. He is now fine.”
What were your experiences with Reindeer and other live animal attractions at Christmas? Are you taking steps to change things for next year? Please add you comment to this story using the link below or e-mail trevor.pfeiffer@tgcmc.co.uk