Groves of Bridport scooped the ultimate accolade - The Greatest Garden Centre Team - after their customers voted in-store and online at the end of June to accumulate the highest number of votes. Their award was presented to them by Jo McDonald, Interim Country Manager for sponsor Weber, and celebrity guests designer Jonathan Hindle and TV gardener Diarmuid Gavin.
The Greatest Garden Centre Team of the Year - Summer 2014
Gold Award - Groves of Bridport
Regional Awards Wales & the West - The Old Railway Line South - Groves of Bridport East - Perrywood Home Counties - Burston Scotland - Merryhatton

The Top 10 Garden Centre Teams with most customer votes:
- Brechin Castle
- Burston
- Fair Gardens
- Groves
- Langlands, Shiptonthorpe
- Loch Lomond Homes & Gardens
- Meadowcroft Nursery
- Merryhatton
- Perrywood
- The Old Railway Line

Mark Winchester of Blackbrooks collects the award for The Greatest Garden Centre Catering Team, as voted for by customers across the country from Tim Bell, HTA Commercial Manager, Diarmuid Gavin and Jonathan Hindle.
The Greatest Garden Centre Catering Team of the Year - Summer 2014
Gold Award - Blackbrooks
Regional Awards Wales & the West - The Old Railway Line South - Blackbrooks East - The Garden Cafe at Craft Nurseries North - Eastfield Scotland - Loch Lomond Homes & Gardens

The Top 10 Garden Centre Catering Teams with most customer votes:
- Blackbrooks
- The Garden Cafe at Craft Nurseries
- Eastfield
- Highfield Garden World
- Langlands Shiptonthorpe
- Loch Lomond Homes & Gardens
- Meadowcroft
- Old Railway Line
- Perrywood
- Poppies of Oban

The golden garden care teams from Barton Grange and Raglan garden centres with their Greatest Awards presented by Mandy Atkin from Garden Trade News along with Diarmuid Gavin and Jonathan Hindle.
With Garden Care booming this year - those slugs bugs and weeds have certainly been driving the bestsellers – the judges were particularly pleased to see some great teams making it really easy for customers to make garden care choices.
The Greatest Garden Care Teams - Full Results
Gold Awards Barton Grange Raglan
Silver Awards Cowells Endsleigh Garden & Leisure Planters
All Garden Care Finalists
- Aylett Nurseries
- Barton Grange
- Baytree
- Bents
- Coolings
- Cowells
- Endsleigh Garden & Leisure
- Monkton Elm
- Planters
- Raglan

Andrew Wood from Silverbirch Garden Centre in the Clyde Valley collects Gold for The Greatest Home Interiors display team from Diarmuid Gavin, Jonathan Hindle and David Metcalfe, consultant for Spring Fair.
The judges said "Silverbirch are setting a new agenda for garden centre retailing, taking the learnings of a successful Christmas and taking customers on a journey of wow and delight with sales opportunities around every corner."
The Greatest Home Interiors Display Team Full Results
Gold Award Silverbirch
Silver Award Shackletons Garden & Lifestyle
Highly Commended Awards Fair Gardens Plant Centre Newbank, Bury
All Home Interiors Finalists
- Brechin Castle
- Fair Gardens Plant Centre
- Fairways, Ashbourne
- Jackson’s Boutique
- Newbank
- Raemoir
- Shackletons
- Silverbirch
- Walkers Nurseries

The team at Barton Grange keep on raising the bar when it comes to garden centre merchandising and teamwork and as a result they collected the Gold Award from Neil Gow, one of The Greatest Awards expert judges, with Diarmuid Gavin and Jonathan Hindle.
The Greatest Merchandising Team Full Results
Gold Award Barton Grange
Silver Awards Bents Perrywood
All FInalists
- Armitages Pennine
- Barton Grange
- Bents
- Burston
- Endsleigh Garden & Leisure
- Perrywood
- Webbs

Brechin Castle and Turners Plant and Garden Nursery are Top of the Pots! Part of the HTA's "It starts with a Pot" campaign. The Greatest Awards expert judges travelled thousands of miles to find out who is the greatest garden centre team when it comes to Pot and Plant retailing. Martin Simmons, Operations Manager at the HTA, presnted the award with Diarmuid Gavin and Jonathan Hindle.
Top of the Pots Award Full Results
Gold Awards Brechin Castle Turners Plant and Garden Nursery
Silver Awards Ashbrook Nursery Millbrook
Highly Commended Merryhatton Perrywood Silverbirch
All Finalists
- Ashbrook Nursery
- Brechin Castle
- Bridgford Garden Centre
- Cowells
- Ferndale
- Merryhatton
- Millbrook
- Moulton College Garden Centre
- Perrywood
- Silverbirch
- Timmermans
- Trevena Cross Nurseries
- Turners Plant and Garden Nursery

The excellence of the plants teams at two centres could not be separated by the judges – even after three recounts. The Greatest Plant teams are at Barton Grange and Bents. Renato Canale from Europlants UK presented the award with Jonathan Hindle and Diarmuid Gavin.
The Greatest Planteria Team Full Results
Gold Awards Bents Barton Grange
Silver Award Fron Goch
All Finalists
- Aylett Nurseries
- Barton Grange
- Bents
- Brechin Castle
- Burston
- Cadbury Garden & Leisure
- Coolings
- Cowells
- Fron Goch
- Keelham Hall
- Scotsdales
- Timmermans
Newbank sparkle to win Gold

The sparkling team at Newbank in Bury scooped the first ever Gold for The Greatest Garden Decor & Lighting Sales Team...

The sparkling team at Newbank in Bury scooped the first ever Gold for The Greatest Garden Decor & Lighting Sales Team. Presented by expert judge Steve Myatt with Diarmuid Gavin and Jonathan Hindle.
The Greatest Garden Decor & Lighting Team
Gold Award Newbank, Bury
Silver Award Van Hage, Peterborough
All Finalists
- Barton Grange
- Bents
- Coolings
- Newbank
- Simpsons
- Van Hage Peterborough
- Whitehall at Lacock

Three great sales teams won Gold for Outdoor Furniture this year, all great in their own way at Bents, Goulds and Shakletons. Jody Grimmer, from sponsor Leisuregrow, presented the certificates with Jonathan Hindle and Diarmuid Gavin.
The Greatest Outdoor Furniture Team Full Results
Gold Awards Bents Goulds Shackletons
Silver Awards The Old Railway Line White Stores
Highly Commended Perrywood
All Finalists
- Bents
- Birkacre
- Goulds
- Newbank
- Notcutts Solihull
- Old Railway Line
- Perrywood
- Reigate
- Shackletons
- Sunshine
- Trelawney
- Webbs
- White Stores

The Gold award for The Greatest BBQ Sales Team went to the very impressive, almost obsessive team at Perrywood. Steve Millington, from sponsors Bosmere, handed over the award with Diarmuid Gavin and Jonathan Hindle. The Greatest BBQ Sales Team Full Results
Gold Award Perrywood
Silver Award Bents
Highly Commended Alton
All Finalists
- Alton
- Bents
- Cadbury Garden & Leisure
- Endsleigh Garden & Leisure
- Perrywood
- Poplars
- Squires at Shepperton

Gardman received the most votes from garden centre teams visited by The Greatest Awards experts during June and were awarded the Gold Award for The Greatest Garden Centre Supplier - Summer 2014. Marketing Director Sarah Downing and Sales Director Duncan Ross collected their certificate and champagne from Vicki Nuttall, Director of GIMA with Jonathan Hindle and Diarmuid Gavin.
The Greatest Garden Centre Supplier Full Results
Gold Award Gardman
Silver Award Westland
Highly Commended (3rd place in voting) Kaemingk
Top 10 Suppliers voted for (in alphabetical order)
- 4 Seasons
- Alexander Rose
- Daro
- Decco
- Farplants
- Gardman
- Kaemingk
- Kettler
- Weber
- Westland