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September 2022 sales volumes 18% up on 2019
Christmas gets off to a flying start - up 37% on last year on early sales
Pansies outsell Cyclamen, Viola and Calluna combined
Handy boost for Garden Product sales
Growing Media still way ahead of 2019
Wild Bird Care in the wilderness
Grow Your Own continues to shine
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Pansies outsell Cyclamen, Viola and Calluna combined

Plant sales got back to above 2019 volumes after a summer when the weather stunted sales. The month closed with volumes down 15% on 2021 but 8% up on 2019.



Year to date, plant sales are now 10% down on 2021 but 7% up on 2019.



Pansies were the best selling plant group in the last week of the month with total volumes equal to the combined sales of Cyclamen, Viola and Calluna the next three bestselling plant groups.


The UK Garden Centre Plants Bestsellers Chart
Week Ending Sunday 2nd October 2022
This Week Last week Plant genus Volume Sales Change
1 1 Pansy Increase
2 2 Cyclamen  
3 3 Viola  
4 4 Calluna Increase
5 5 Chrysanthemum  
6 9 Erysimum  +50% Increase
7 6 Primula Increase
8 17 Dianthus  +100% Increase
9 8 Hedera  
10 10 Ericaceae  Increase
11 12 Heuchera Increase
12 11 Anemone  
13 13 Aster  
14 16 Azalea  
15 15 Orchidaceae  
16 14 Hebe  
17 18 Lavandula  
18 33 Helleborus  +50% Increase
19 27 Solanum Increase
20 26 Spathiphyllum Increase
21 23 Rudbeckia  
22 38 Cupressus Highest Climber
23 7 Dahlia  
24 22 Hydrangea  
25 24 Sedum  
26 32 Skimmia Increase
27 21 Rose  
28 28 Broccoli  
29 20 Salvia  
30 19 Crocosmia  
31 47 Festuca  +50% Increase
32 31 Euonymus Increase
33 42 Calathea Increase
34 35 Tillandsia Increase
35 25 Echinacea  
36 Re-entry Gaultheria Highest Re-entry
37 39 Ornamental Cabbage Increase
38 Re-entry Cabbage Increase
39 30 Penstemon  
40 Re-entry Calocephalus Increase
41 Re-entry Buxus  +50% Increase
42 29 Cineraria  
43 36 Helenium  
44 50 Sempervivum Increase
45 Re-entry Chamaecyparis Increase
46 Re-entry Kalanchoe  +50% Increase
47 40 Celosia  
48 Re-entry Echeveria  +50% Increase
49 43 Peperomia  
50 Re-entry Opuntia Increase