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Grow Your Own continues to shine
Week 39 Veg 2 Gro Products Top 50


The GTN Bestsellers Veg 2 Gro Chart
Week Ending Sunday 2nd October 2022
This Week Last Week Product Description BarcodeNum Volume Sales Change
1 1 Taylors Elephant Garlic, pack of 3 5015882214273  
2 2 Taylors Onion Sets Autumn Champion 5015882014620  
3 3 Taylors Onion Sets Electric 5015882108299  
4 6 Taylors Onion Sets Radar 5015882108107  
5 10 Taylors French Garlic Topadrome 5015882019359  
6 4 Taylors Red Winter Onions 50 Bulb Pack 5015882108947  
7 9 Taylors Garlic Germidour 5015882214143  
8 5 Taylors Onion Sets Senshhyu Yellow 5015882108220  
9 8 Taylors Garlic Thermidrome 5015882214150  
10 19 Taylors Garlic Garcua 5015882025879  
11 7 Taylors Shallots Jermor 5015882108312  
12 12 Cheers Lettuce Glasshouse Winter Gem 12 Pack 5060452803494  
13 17 Taylors Shallot Griselle 5015882051052  
14 20 Cheers Cauliflower Maystar 12 Pack 5060452803371  
15 Re-entry Taylors Garlic Early Purple Wight 5015882108817  
16 25 Cheers Leeks Jolant 12 Pack 5060452803463  
17 13 Cheers Broccoli Purple 12 Pack 5060452803432  
18 42 Cheers Spring Cabbage Duchy 12 Pack 5060452803401  
19 11 Thompson & Morgan Broad Bean Aquadulce Claudia 76567001385  
20 31 Mr Fothergills Broad Bean Aquadulce 5011775003092  
21 14 Cheers Pointed Cabbage Hispi 12 Pack 5060452803425  
22 16 Cheers Pea Twinkle 6 Pack 5060452803555  
23 Re-entry Kapiteyn Onion Set Senshyu Yellow 8711805132026  
24 Re-entry Taylors Garlic Carcassonne Wight 5015882108879  
25 35 Cheers Spring Cabbage Durham Early 12 Pack 5060452803418  
26 45 Cheers Bean Broad Aquadulce 6 Pack 5060452803548  
27 Re-entry Kapiteyn Garlic Messidor 8711805132064  
28 24 Mr Fothergills Green Manure Autumn/Winter Mix 5011775232737  
29 15 Cheers Leek Tornado 12 pack 5060452803456  
30 Re-entry Kapiteyn Onion Set Electric 8711805132002  
31 Re-entry Taylors Garlic Lautrec Wight 5015882108664  
32 Re-entry Kapiteyn Garlic Flavor 8711805132040  
33 Re-entry Kapiteyn Garlic Fokhagyma 8711805132057  
34 36 Farplants Rosemary Fota Blue 1L 5019945971691  
35 38 Taylors Bulbs Mushroon Kit Small 5015882214471  
36 27 Quantil Cauliflower Strips 5060033670217  
37 40 Quantil Winter Cabbage Strips 5060033670583  
38 28 Cheers Lettuce Glasshouse Benjamin 12 Pack 5060452803470  
39 43 Cheers Broccoli White 12 Pack 5060452803449  
40 New Cheers Lettuce Glasshouse (Iceburg type) 12 Pack 5060452803487  
41 44 Cheers Raddicio Indigo 12 Pack 5060452803524  
42 Re-entry Kapiteyn Shallots Red Sun 8711805062767  
43 Re-entry Kapiteyn Garlic Germidor 8711805062804  
44 26 Farplants Garden Mint 1L 5019945949225  
45 Re-entry Craigmarloch Strawberry Varieties 9cm 5051641088198  
46 41 Quantil Black Kale 5060033671412  
47 23 Cheers Winter Spinach Bella 12 Pack 5060452803531  
48 Re-entry Mr Fothergills Mustard White 5011775002415  
49 50 James McIntyre Rhubarb Victoria 5060016041706  
50 37 Cheers Onions Salad 12 Pack 5060452803517