In This Issue
Introducing the new Nassau collection – powered by Social Plastic®
The power of Social Plastic® from Plastic Bank
The passion behind the products – in conversation with… ScanCom CEO Stig Maasbøl
The passion behind the products – in conversation with… Plastic Bank Founder and CEO David Katz
The passion behind the products – in conversation with… Eden Project International, CEO David Harland
How stocking LifestyleGarden® has helped one retailer embark on a journey towards increased sustainability
‘Doing Business the Right Way’ – the cornerstone of ScanCom & LifestyleGarden®’s vision
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The passion behind the products – in conversation with… Plastic Bank Founder and CEO David Katz


Described as a “servant to the earth and a champion of the poor”, Plastic Bank Founder and CEO, David Katz, has been recognised over the years with a collection of awards for his contributions towards creating a more sustainable future. Since its launch, Plastic Bank - the world’s first organisation to monetise plastic waste – has helped to transform the lives of vulnerable coastal  communities who collect plastic waste for recycling. Here, David talks about the world’s move towards a regenerative economy and how the new partnership with ScanCom International for its new Nassau powered by Social Plastic® collection will “help the world get a little better”. 


What was the driving force behind the partnership with ScanCom International? 

Our driving force behind every partnership with like-minded heroes, such as ScanCom, is the creation of a world without ocean plastic.


Why are collaborations like this so important to your organisation? 

This collaboration manifests our core value of gathering together to gather materials together. We gather ScanCom, ScanCom gathers its customers and, together, we gather the material that’s polluting our ocean. 


Do you feel there is enough awareness about plastic pollution, the damage it does to our planet and communities across the globe? 

There is awareness around the problem, but people are not aware of the solutions needed. We need to unleash the world to participate in change that they wish to see. 


Equally, is there enough known about initiatives like Social Plastic® and the change you are effecting in the world?

No, there isn't. We need a host of entrepreneurs, ideas and solutions, so we can all work together to make a change. 


Will the launch of Nassau powered by Social Plastic® help increase awareness about the work you do?

Nassau powered by Social Plastic® is an inspiring opportunity for the world to gather together. It is the seat of regeneration. Every time someone sits, every time someone moves that chair, the world gets a little bit better.


Have you seen a shift in consumer expectations of retailers/manufacturers and demand for greater transparency in the supply chain? If so, what do you think is behind this?

The world is powerfully moving towards a regenerative economy. The generations that move past me; that lived with the financial crisis, marine debris, ocean acidification, and climate change, are in full awareness that, unless we act, humanity will end. 


What is your vision? What more needs to be done to achieve this?

More speed, a more can-do approach, more people who are willing to stand on the right side of history. Be the ones who are willing to make a decision today, even though things may not be perfect. I recognise that, in Plastic Bank and the work we do, ‘the perfect’ truly is the enemy of ‘the good enough’. To be doing what we have available today, aspiring for more, creating more change and leaning towards a more perfect world. But it can only begin now.


How does Social Plastic® transform the lives of your members?

The greatest transformation that I’ve experienced in the lives of our collectors is the ability to believe in a better tomorrow. Imagine yourself living in poverty, with no hope, no opportunity, no income, no food, and no community. How hopeless and devastating! The biggest change I continue to witness is the opportunity for people to realise that they have power in themselves. Go through the streets, door to door, business to business and your life can change. Whether they know it or not, they are acting and stewarding all 7.9 billion of us. What a great example of being a hero; someone who does for others, whether others know it or not. 


Do manufacturers, retailers and consumers need more persuading when it comes to recycled plastic? 

Isn’t it a funny question that they should need more persuading? Just to open your eyes and see what’s occurring. I’m always struck by World Oceans Day or Earth Day in the recognition that the earth and the oceans are going to be fine. They’ll be teeming with life, abundant everywhere, but I’m confident that we won’t be here. The world will be fine, waiting for our demise. It’s for all of humanity. It’s not Earth Day or World Oceans Day, it’s “Save Humanity Day,” and yet we only give it one day of the calendar, hoping it will persuade others to do what was always supposed to be done.  


If a responsibility to the environment isn’t enough of a pull for some, do you think the human-interest angle and the fact that Social Plastic® transcends people out of poverty could be what is needed to effectively capture the interest of those who are on the fence about making a change?

I love the saying that “man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still” – we’re never really going to be able to change anyone’s opinion. However, we can offer them a transformation; one more reason to make change that they choose themselves and let it be. Even if it has a profound social impact, profound environmental impact, it still may not be enough to change all people’s opinions. But if it changes a few, and it creates a wave of change, and it begins a renaissance, where we have a different way of thinking and being in the world, then let it be. I recognise we can’t change everyone; we just need to change someone. 


Find out more

Plastic Bank empowers the regenerative society.  They build ethical recycling ecosystems in coastal communities and reprocess the material for reintroduction into the global supply chain as Social Plastic.  Collectors receive bonuses for the materials they collect which helps them provide basic family necessities such as groceries, cooking fuel, school tuition, and health insurance.  Plastic Bank’s Alchemy™ blockchain platform secures the entire transaction and provides real-time data visualisation – allowing for transparency, traceability, and rapid scalability.  Learn more at


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