
It’s just three weeks until the gardening industry bursts into combined promotional activity by celebrating Greenfingers Garden Re-Leaf Day on Friday 17th March 2017.
The event was created to start the gardening season with a huge bang so that garden centres, growers, suppliers and trade associations could all benefit from the combined publicity efforts and to benefit our favourite gardening charity.
In 2016 Greenfingers Charity benefited by more than £140,000 - the most successful Garden Re-Leaf Day ever. This year Garden Re-Leaf is set to break that record again thanks to a great variety of FUNdraising ideas. There are lots of ways to get involved so take a read through the stories in this e-mail newsletter to whet your appetite.
Idea 1 - 24 Hour Plant-athon
Alton's, Blue Diamond, Hillview, Klondyke, Orchard Park and Scotsdales lead the way for 2017

Last year, Hillview Studley, Alton's, Squire’s, Blue Diamond Fryers and Klondyke Byrkley Park (above) Garden Centres created amazing publicity and raised loads of money using 24 Hour Plant-athon promotions...

Last year, Hillview Studley, Alton's, Squire’s, Blue Diamond Fryers (above) and Klondyke Byrkley Park Garden Centres created amazing publicity and raised loads of money using 24 Hour Plant-athon promotions. Bob Hewitt, Chairman, Klondyke Group “Having taken part in the 24 hour Plant-athon in 2016, I urge garden retailers and suppliers to get involved in this huge opportunity to connect with staff and customers whilst raising significant funds for Greenfingers Charity.” This year Bob Hewitt and teams across three Klondyke Group’s centres will be planting,; Alan Roper’s Blue Diamond team at Trentham Garden Centre, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs will be planting through the night again; a relay team from Scotsdales Garden Centre, Great Shelford, Cambridgeshire; Andy Bunker and his team at Alton Garden Centre; Boyd’s teams across the Hillview centres and Orchard Park in Dorset are the latest to sign up, with more expected to follow between now and the 17th March. But time is running out! So how about you? You can invite your customers, colleagues and friends to support you as you and your staff continuously plant up pots for 24 hours? Your local media will love the story and your customers will love buying your spring planted pots for charity. If your garden centre is looking to register for Garden Re-Leaf Day, contact Linda at Greenfingers as soon as possible, by email linda@greenfingerscharity.org.uk or by calling the Greenfingers office on 01494 674749.
Idea 2 - Take a walk along the River Cam
More than 85 industry friends have already signed up to the 20-mile walk from Scotsdales Horningsea to Scotsdales Shelford

Feeling fit? Then take part in Greenfingers Charity’s Garden Re-Leaf Day Walk which is organised to raise money for Greenfingers. This year’s walk will be held in Cambridge thanks to the sponsorship of Scotsdales Garden Centre, where more than 85 industry friends have already signed up to the 20-mile walk...
Read more and sign up to take part

Feeling fit? Then take part in Greenfingers Charity’s Garden Re-Leaf Day Walk which this year is being held in Cambridge thanks to the sponsorship of Scotsdales Garden Centre.
More than 85 industry friends have already signed up to the 20-mile walk, including Garden Re-Leaf Day founder, Boyd Douglas Davies who is dusting down his walking shoes.
Boyd will be joined by Greenfingers Ambassadors Trevor Pfeiffer, Simon Quinton Smith, and Vicky Nuttall, along with teams from Scotsdales, Glee, Briers, Westland, Cadix, Elho, SBM Life Sciences, Mr Fothergill’s, Kelkay, Gardman, Glee, Great British Cards, Deco-Pak and many others walking the 20 mile challenge.
The 20 mile route runs between Scotsdales garden centres at Horningsea to the north of Cambridge via the cambridgeshire fens (that means flat!) and the River Cam via the centre of Cambridge passing through Jesus College and the famous Botanical Gardens to Scotsdales at Great Shelford in the south of the city. (Buses, kindly provided by a local company, will take the walkers to the start from the Great Shelford centre so you don't have to worry about getting back to your car at the end.)
Thanks to LOFA, walkers (and runners!) will be able to enjoy a barbecue at the finish point. An extra to this year’s Industry walk is that Heidi Towse from Frosts Garden Centres will be rowing the distance on a static machine at Scotsdales. Will Heidi reach the finish line before the walkers? Would anyone like to challenge her The walk is a great opportunity to see the sites of Cambridge, network with industry friends and at the same time raise money for Greenfingers Charity. To register for the event complete the form using this link and get your walking shoes ready for action in three weeks time.
Here's some pictures from the last two Great Garden Re-Leaf Day 20 mile walks
Here's a selection of other events being planned for Garden Re-Leaf Day:

Alan Down, owner of Cleeve Nurseries, Bristol, will be opening the gates to his private collection of Hellebores to small groups of gardeners on Garden Re-Leaf Day to raise funds for Greenfingers Charity. As a regular broadcaster on Radio West and BBC Radio Bristol, plus writer of a regular page in the Western Daily Press, Alan is sure to be able to drum up enough interest to keep busy all day with small groups being shown round every 15 minutes. Thanks Alan - very much appreciated! 
And at Millbrook Garden Centre, Gravesend, Kent are hosting a whole weekend of activities to raise funds for Greenfingers Charity. Their web site tells us some of their planned activities including a coffee and cake morning on Re-Leaf day and a bubbly evening reception plus interesting talk from horticulturist and plant hunter, Tom Hart-Dyke, described as the ‘new David Bellamy’. Throughout Saturday staff will carry out planting demonstrations of containers and with a finishing raffle to end the 18th March. Children’s face painting and craft activities will be available throughout Saturday and Sunday and visits to ‘Our Amazing Animal World’ will include a meet with Henry the hedgehog and Felipe the chameleon.
Tell us and Greenfingesr about your event and we will include it in these "Countdown to Garden Re-Leaf Day" newsletters and make sure it gets included on the Garden Re-Leaf Day website. trevor.pfeiffer@tgcmc.co.uk
DON’T FORGET TO TELL GREENFINGERS CHARITY YOUR PROMOTIONAL PLANS AND WE WILL HELP WITH YOUR PUBLICITY To find out how you can get involved contact Greenfingers Charity by email: info@greenfingerscharity.org.uk or by calling the Fundraising Team on 01494 674749
10 great ideas for Garden Re-Leaf Day fund-raising
The sixth annual Greenfingers Garden Re-Leaf Day take place nationally on the 17 March, with many events continuing throughout the weekend. The 24hr Plant-athon, which was a runaway success last year, is being rolled out to more garden centres, and the Garden Re-Leaf Walk boasts a huge uptake in registrations and aims to be both more inclusive and challenging. Here are the top 10 fundraising ideas...
The sixth annual Greenfingers Garden Re-Leaf Day take place nationally on the 17 March, with many events continuing throughout the weekend. The 24hr Plant-athon, which was a runaway success last year, is being rolled out to more garden centres, and the Garden Re-Leaf Walk boasts a huge uptake in registrations and aims to be both more inclusive and challenging. Top 10 fundraising ideas Over the past six years, a host of garden centre fundraising ideas has been launched, tried and tested. Here are the top 10, with tips on how to make them a success in your garden centre… 24 hr Plant-athon Alton Garden Centre, Blue Diamond, Hillview, Klondyke, and Hillier have already committed to the event for a second year running. Orchard Park in Dorset is the latest to sign up, with more expected to follow between now and the 17 March. But time is running out! If your garden centre is looking to register for Garden Re-Leaf Day, contact Linda at Greenfingers as soon as possible, via linda@greenfingerscharity.org.uk or by calling the Greenfingers office on 01494 674749. General Knowledge Quiz Independent garden centres with a loyal local following, such as Perrywood in Essex, have turned this into an annual evening long event, providing food and allowing participants to bring a bottle. The questions don’t have to be about gardening, and as it’s St Patrick’s Day you might want to make that your theme! Drinking responsibly of course…! Raffle It’s a popular choice for a reason and that is that it raises a great deal of money, and can be done in conjunction with suppliers. Last year,Monkton Elm in Taunton (pictured, below) experienced an increase in footfall and sales as a direct result of their raffle. Shoppers bought tickets, and the winners returned to collect their prizes – resulting in further money spent in the café, and on plants and other items on the way out. Bake or book sale If you’ve got a café and a farm shop this is ideal – but even without either you can still put on a bake sale. Or a book sale. Or a mixture of the two! The more creative the better. Fairweather’s in Hampshire are keeping it on-brand - selling special green Garden Re-Leaf cakes throughout the weekend. Sponsored cycle Whether your staff members are fitness freaks or salad dodgers – a sponsored cycle is the perfect excuse for exercise! You can set yourselves a challenge that links in with a theme – for example, Coolings cycled 220 miles to Buckingham palace last year to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday. A great way to entertain and engage with your customers, who can sponsor and donate as they shop. Create a display from trade promotions Suppliers such as Gardman sold a range of products last year, with a Greenfingers Charity Tree Mat and Cole & Bright Solar Hanging Jars raising 50p from each item sold, as well as 20p from each Hanging Basket Coco Liner. This year, Deco-Pak has pledged to donate 5p from each small bag of their new play sand on orders placed in March. Open garden Alan Down at Cleeve Nurseries is opening up his private Hellebore collection (click here) – why not organise something similar with a local garden writer or private landowner?
Wishing Tree The premise is as simple as it is effective - place a potted tree within the main sales area, accessible enough so that children and adults can easily and safely add a note – or write a wish on the back of a star in the case of Whitehall’s in Bristol. Customers will enjoy being able to express their wishes and will eagerly donate for the privilege. Coffee mornings/afternoon tea Cafés are usually busy whatever the weather, so holding a coffee morning can be a real winner, and works well in tandem with bake sales. Last year Barton Grange in Preston sold afternoon cream teas, with £5 donated for each one sold. This year Squire’s at Hensham are including an afternoon tea party as part of their weekend-long spring launch in aid of Greenfingers. #Gluvies More for awareness than fundraising – or can it be both? Once you’ve taken a picture or a selfie of your team – or with your customers – you can post to Twitter or Instagram using the hashtag #gluvies and tagging @GardenReLeaf - or post galleries on Facebook tagging participants to spread the word. But also the gloves themselves (Briers’ Greenfingers All Seasons Gardener gloves) can be sold in the same way as the famous red noses to raise funds; 35p from each (medium or large) pair is donated to the charity by Briers – who now also have a Greenfingers kids’ gardening kit to further raise funds. Last year the #gluvies hashtag reached 20,000 people on Twitter, but this year we’re aiming for twice that amount! Last year, Greenfingers launched its ‘A Million Moments Appeal’, aiming to raise £1 million, over three years. With the help of events such as Garden Re-Leaf Day, the charity is aiming to provide at least 5,000 children and their families that rely on hospices to enjoy spending precious time together outdoors.

After helping with support duties last year, Trevor and Karen Pfeiffer vowed to do The Great Garden Re-Leaf Day walk in full in 2017, so Labradoodles Olly & Floyd thought they’d better join in to pull them towards the finish as the miles clock up and their feet and legs are hurting.
Olly & Floyd are brother Labradoodles who love walking and getting dirty so they are really looking forward to the 20 mile walk from Scotsdales Garden Centre in Horningsea to Scotsdales Garden centre in Shelford Cambridge. It’s a shame they won’t be able to walk through Jesus College garden or The Cambridge Botanic Gardens, but there is a special route around the outside of the gardens that Karen and Trevor can run around the to make sure we don’t lose any time. We’re looking forward to meeting all the fellow walkers – both 2 legged and 4, and making lots of friends as we walk through Cambridge on March 17th. Please sponsor us, or Trevor and Karen if you must, using our Just Giving page: www.justgiving.com/fundraising/OllyandFloyd.
We really do want to raise as much money as possible to help create another Greenfingers garden at a children’s hospice. Then we can go and visit that too and meet some of the wonderful children, parents and carers who gain so much benefit from spending time outside in a Greenfingers garden, which has been magically designed and created to help them. Woof woof. Olly and Floyd

EPOS Manager (ref:DS9097)
Location: Staffordshire Salary: £20,000 - £25,000 Date: 16 Feb Job Type: Full-Time Duration: Permanent
Our client is a leading garden centre chain who are looking for an analytical minded candidate with excellent computer skills to join an established retail team. They have this vacancy in three of their garden centres in Staffordshire, Cambridgeshire and Essex.
As Manager you will be charged with looking after the sites Electronic Point of Sale (EPOS) system. Inputting data and ensuring that it syncs with available stock etc.
Candidate requirements:
- Excellent skills with programs such as Excel and a head for numbers is a must.
- Experience working with EPOS would be advantageous.
- Retail knowledge is desirable.
- Demonstrable management skills are also required as the successful candidate will be managing a small team.
To apply for this role click here

Pennells Garden Centre at Lincoln is looking for a Garden Centre Manager following retirement for its modern destination Garden Centre at Lincoln. Pennells is one of the oldest garden companies in the country and is probably the oldest still in the same family ownership. The business was founded by a Richard Pennell in 1780. Today the company is run by the seventh and eighth generations Richard Pennell and his son William Pennell. In addition to the centre at Lincoln Garden Centre the business has a Garden Centre at Cleethorpes. The Lincoln centre has been extensively extended over the last few years and has an internal floor area in excess of 6000 sq meters, a Rovero canopy covering the 3300 sq m outdoor plant area as well as a restaurant seating over 425 people. Job Description The manager will have day to day responsibility for the management of the retail (non restaurant) parts of the centre
- Lead and motivate the team to success
- Control costs on a daily basis to ensure the profitability of the store
- Maintain the high standards expected of the centre
- Be able to deal with staff issues efficiently and compassionately
- Increase profitability
Ideal Candidate The ideal candidate will have:
- Good plant and garden product knowledge
- Be forward thinking and not scared to try new things
- Be target driven
- Have a good understanding of computers
- An enthusiastic and positive attitude
- Good customer service skills.
- Less than 6 points on their driving license and own a car as they will be expected to travel to trade shows and other events.
- Have worked in other garden retail environments and be able to bring new ideas to the business.
- Paid Monthly
- A Competitive Salary
- 32 days holidays
- Staff discount
Applications should be made using the application form which can be downloaded from www.pennells.co.uk/jobs Applications must be received by February 28th 2017 FAO Christine Burnell or via email to Christine@pennells.co.uk

- EVERY OTHER SATURDAY 8.30 – 5.30PM & SUNDAY 10.00 – 5.00PM
Applications should be made using the application form which can be downloaded here JOB APPLICATION FORM
Applications must be received by February 28th 2017 FAO Christine Burnell or via email to Christine@pennells.co.uk

An exciting opportunity exists for an enthusiastic team player to join Bristol's Largest Independent Garden Centre as our Plant Assistant Manager.
The Ideal Candidate will possess excellent people management skills, Great Communication Skills and be able to lead and organise your team whilst maintaining excellent customer service sales and service.
You will require an exceptional knowledge of plants and have a proven track record in the horticulture industry.
The role requires an outstanding merchandiser standards as well as being able to motivate teams to achieve exceptional achievements.
This is a full-time position and will require working weekends and bank holidays.
In return, we provide a competitive salary, a friendly working environment, staff discount scheme, subsidised social events and a benefits package commensurate with a progressive company.
To apply, please download (http://almondsbury.co.uk/careers-almondsbury) and submit the application form below to enquiries@almondsbury.co.uk..Please include your current CV and a covering letter explaining why you would be an excellent recruit for this role, including examples of how you could be an asset to our business.
For more information, please call Judy Holbrook on 01454 457300 or email enquiries@almondsbury.co.uk

Amenity Account Manager South | Home Counties (ref:DS9067)
Location: Hertfordshire Salary: Excellent package Date: 10 Feb Job Type: Full-Time Duration: Permanent
Our client is a leading UK horticultural nursery stock producer who are seeking a dynamic, driven Account Manager for its Amenity division to expand its customer base within the landscape contractor, local authority and landscape architect's sectors in the UK.
For this role you will have a minimum of 5 years' B2B field sales experience within horticulture with strong commercial skills as well as financial and business acumen.
You will also have experience of selling into landscape contractors, local authorities and landscape architects, a knowledge of trees, as well as proven experience in securing new customers.
Outstanding customer service is required as is the ability to create and develop customer relationships. Excellent communication, IT skills, attention to detail and the ability to work on your own initiative and manage your time effectively is essential.
You will be able to demonstrate achievement in meeting and exceeding challenging sales targets through completing quotes and tenders and negotiation to achieve the required level of profitability.
This position is home based and you will ideally live in the Beds, Bucks, Herts area with easy access to the M1 to ensure accessibility to the customer base.
Reporting to the Sales Director, you will be part of a professional and ambitious team and will be required to attend meetings at head office on a regular basis.
The successful applicant can expect a competitive package including company pension, private health insurance and company car.
To apply for this role click here

Sales Support Advisor - Amenity (ref:DS9088)
Location: Hampshire Salary: £18,000 - £22,000 Date: 14 Feb Job Type: Full-Time Duration: Permanent
This prestigious client is a leading UK horticultural nursery stock producer who is seeking a Sales Support Advisor to work within its busy Amenity Department based at its Hampshire Office.
Primary responsibilities will be to maximise sales opportunities and deliver high quality customer service through obtaining a clear understanding of defined market sectors and associated customer bases. Working closely with Account Managers and deputising for Account Managers when necessary you will provide sales support to deliver customer requirements providing all related administration.
Other duties include:
- Ensuring quotes are issued within 24 hours of receipt of customer enquiry.
- Converting quotes to orders.
- Issuing pro-forma invoices for non-credit clients.
- Liaising with customers to ensure delivery information is correct.
- Managing the Order Book so that customer orders are delivered when requested.
- Following up quotes and orders advising Account Managers of status and actions required.
- Undertaking outbound marketing campaigns (telephone/email).
- Raising and processing invoices.
The successful applicant will be a driven, outgoing and enthusiastic team player who has the ability to work on their own initiative with:
- Experience of outbound sales in a fast-moving customer services environment.
- A demonstrable achievement in improving customer service.
- The ability to work to tight deadlines.
- Excellent communication, negotiating, IT/computer and telephone skills.
- Accuracy and attention to detail.
- Excellent plant and horticultural knowledge.
The successful applicant can expect a salary of £18,000 - £22,000, pension after a qualifying period, training, free parking and staff discount. Working hours 37.5 per week, Monday to Friday 08.30 - 17.00
To apply for this role click here

Garden Centre Manager | Kent (ref:DS9089)
Location: Kent Salary: £30,000 - £32,000 Date: 15 Feb Job Type: Full-Time Duration: Permanent
This innovative and friendly family run garden centre are part of a small Kent based group who pride themselves in the great customer service that their loyal staff provide to their customers. They are now seeking a well organised leader with a can-do attitude to head up their garden centre team and inspire them to take the centre to the next level. A full job description is available but in a nutshell:
Job Purpose:
- To manage the running of the centre enabling everyone to inspire, educate & equip customers.
- Constantly find ways of improving the centre & motivating your staff to achieve agreed company targets & objectives.
- To drive performance maximising commercial potential.
- To promote staff ownership & accountability to create a positive & enjoyable working environment.
- To ensure your centre runs within budget and achieves agreed targets.
- To ensure that the centre operates within current Health & Safety legislation.
- To contribute to the success of the Group as a whole.
They are seeking:
- Ideally someone who has worked within the horticultural retail trade and understands the seasonal challenges that a business like this can face and can plan and organise staff and goods to respond to this.
- Great communication skills, a motivating and inspiring leader who can instil confidence in staff and get them to perform at their best.
- Someone who is a planner and can look ahead to insure that stock is available when needed, displays are always topical and can respond to the challenges of every season.
- A superb people person who has a passion for Garden Centres.
In addition to salary the other benefits offered for the role are:
- Enrolment into company pension scheme within 3 months, 5% employer & employee contributions.
- Private Healthcare after 12 months premium paid by employer.
- Non - contributory health scheme after 12 months to cover osteopathy, dental, optical, access to consultants, and many more. Premium paid by employer, invoice settled by employee and subsequently reclaimed from insurance.
- 28 days holiday inclusive of 8 statutory days
- Employee discount after six months (20% garden centre, 50% café)
- Net profit bonus
To apply for this role click here

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Scotsdales launches Year of Charity Fundraisers
Cambridge-based garden centre, Scotsdales, is kicking-off a year of charitable initiatives this March with two special fundraising events in support of Greenfingers Charity and Breast Cancer Now...
Cambridge-based garden centre, Scotsdales, is kicking-off a year of charitable initiatives this March with two special fundraising events in support of Greenfingers Charity and Breast Cancer Now.
The charitable events get underway with ‘Ladies Night’, which will be hosted at Scotsdales in Great Shelford on Wednesday 8 March from 6.30pm to 8.30pm.
The evening will be in support of both charities and will feature live music, speciality alcohol and chocolate tastings as well as masterclasses in floral arrangements and scarf tying. Complementary drinks and canapes will be served while each guest will also receive a goody bag and be automatically entered into a prize draw to win a luxury hamper worth £150.
Tickets are priced at £7.50 with all ticket proceeds going to the charities. Booking is required – call 01223 842777 or email enquiries@scotsdales.com.
There will also be several fundraising initiatives on the evening to boost donations. Scotsdales will be selling the ‘Time to Live’ rose with £1 from every rose sold going to Breast Cancer Now and Scotsdales will match it too. Special scarves by Jane Austin will be on sale with 100% of the proceeds going to Breast Cancer Now.
‘Ladies Night’ will be followed by the ‘Greenfingers Charity Garden Re-Leaf Day Walk’ on Friday 17 March 2017, which is being sponsored by Scotsdales.
Hundreds of walkers are expected to join in, with the option of either a 20-mile or more leisurely 10-mile walk. The walk starts at Scotsdales in Horningsea and passes through the heart of Cambridge, including Jesus College and the Botanic Gardens, before finishing at Scotsdales in Great Shelford.
Scotsdales will be raising funds across its Great Shelford, Horningsea and Fordham stores in the run up to the walk. Public can also go to the Scotsdales JustGiving page to donate. To sign up, visit www.gardenreleaf.co.uk/gardenreleafwalk2017/
Speaking ahead of the charity fundraisers, Becky Owen, Marketing and Development Manager at Scotsdales, said: “Scotsdales is delighted to continue its support of both Greenfingers Charity, which builds recreational and therapeutic gardens in the grounds of children’s hospices, and Breast Cancer Now, which dedicated to funding research into the disease.
“We’re encouraging both our staff members and the wider public to get involved and get behind these causes. Both events promise to be a lot of fun and memorable occasions.”
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GTN Bestsellers is the only industry source of weekly garden centre sales information, collating Epos data from centres with an aggregate turnover in excess of £120m.
Use the weekly Garden Products and Growing Media Top 50 sales volumes charts to plan your hotspot and other promotions and ensure you have the right products in stock to satisfy the needs of your customers.
For further information contact karen.pfeiffer@tgcmc.co.uk or call 01733 775700.
Buy your subscription today and start receiveing the GTN Bestsellers charts this week.
Every week GTN receives and analyses epos data from a number of UK garden centres to produce the GTN Bestsellers charts and weekly bestsellers sales tips. The full charts which provide useful insight into product sales peaks, new trends and new link sales opportunities are published in the weekly GTN Xtra printed newsletter.
As the year goes on we give sales volume comparisons with 2014 as well as 2015 to allow your teams to see variations over a three year period. Access is by subscription only. For £195.00 per year you and your team can have access to the most up-to-date gardening sales analysis that has already helped many UK garden centres increase their sales. To subscribe call 01733 775700, e-mail karen.pfeiffer@tgcmc.co.uk or buy on-line using this link. WARNING the GTN Bestsellers Charts seriously improve the business of our subscribers. Invest 15 minutes each week in improving your sales using the GTN Bestsellers charts and your turnover and customer satisfaction will improve too.