Bait Selection Made Easy
 Successful control of mice and rats using posion baits can depend on making the right bait selection to begin with.
Our new, colour-coded pack designs help consumers choose the right product type for their pest problem quickly and easily, taking the stress and confusion out of shopping this busy fixture.
Quite simply, it’s purple for kitchen and prep areas, green for child and pet safe areas, blue for all weather use and orange for general purpose bait. The Big Cheese bait range has been developed to meet new regulations on pack sizes and bait placement, with safer usage around the home or garden as a first priority. Put strong merchandising and pack design, a solution-based web-site and a committed Core Club of key stockists together and you’ve got a powerful tool to create profit. Don’t miss the chance to be part of it! Join the Core Club now by calling STV on 01953 881580.