Ian Boardman is to be one of the first to facilitate Training Masterclasses at HTA’s Horticulture House, Chilton near Oxford.
Ian says: “The more I heard about the HTA moving to new premises, the more I liked the idea of using it as a Training Venue. It came just as I was looking for venues for two new Training Initiatives so it all seemed to fit. People have been asking me for this type of programme for some time so I am looking forward to facilitating the days we have planned.”
"There is often great benefit in getting a room full of like-minded people together to discuss work related issues. Having an external facilitator can help the process along and help draw conclusions and action plans."
The Plant Area Managers’ Development Programme starts on Wednesday 9th November has been designed tohelp managers develop themselves and their departments and make the most of their specialist knowledge.
"It’s all about sharing ideas, experiences, problems and solutions. It’s about learning as a group and from the group," Ian explained. "I am an experienced Plant Area Manager in two different centres and will guide you through the two days."
"The programme involves two days in the year. The process each day would include reviewing, analysing, discussing and planning the future. Benchmark figures would be agreed for sharing for discussion and goal planning. There is also a project to carry out at work – plan it, organise it and action it – then report back."
The Personal Development Programme begins on Thursday 10th November and is over three days. It is aimed to help those in any branch of the horticulture industry wishing to improve their skills in developing themselves and those around them to achieve the following :
- Get the best performance from yourself and others
- Communicate with more clarity, accuracy and persuasiveness
- Set ambitious goals and achieve them on time
- Use good humour to make yourself more effective in the workplace
- Distinguish between constructive and destructive criticism
- Manage your priorities so that you are always doing the most important thing
- Inspire others to create a positive atmosphere around you
- Project – carry out a real project at work – plan it, organise it and action it – then report back
Programme Dates
Plant Area Managers’ Development Programme
- Day One Wednesday 9 November
- Day Two Thursday 9 February 2017
Personal Development Programme
- Day One Thursday 10 November
- Day Two Wednesday 11 January
- Day Three Wednesday 8 February
To book or if you require more information email Ian Boardman at i.boardman@btinternet.com