The unique mix of "The Beast from the East" and Storm Emma wreaked havoc across UK garden centres this week with reports of many store closures, frozen pipes and heroic efforts to keep trading.
Centre closures started on Tuesday in Kent and East Sussex and then spread north across the country during the week causing the second business interruption for snow this winter in many places. Then the weather even hit the normally snow free West Country at the end of the week.
Neil Gow from Fresh@Burcot Garden Centre in the MIdlands tells us: "We have managed to remain open throughout despite 10ft snow drifts on the road outside.
"Trade has been about 1/5 of what it should have been with fuels, bird food and catering being the winners. The consolation is that at least it was this weekend rather than next when it is Mothers Day! We have a clear car park thanks to the team, who have battled their way through to work each day, motivated to walk up to 3 miles to help keep us open. It must be great to enjoy your work so much!
"Gardman have at last delivered an order to us, 4 weeks late, but most of what we need we have been getting from Stax – another Great Team at their centre at Birmingham!
Please add your comments about the effect of the Big Freeze on your business using the link below or e-mail trevor.pfeiffer@tgcmc.co.uk. We'd particularly like to hear of your hero's who kept services open for customers, how you plan to make up the lost business when the thaw gets underway and any risks you have of flooding when the snow melts away.