Andy Bunker on Wake up to Money: "Still booming because of the weather!"
And Alan Roper speaks on 5 Live Breakfast
Garden centres got a great bit of publicity on BBC Radio 5 Live early this morning when Andy Bunker of Alton Garden Centre was interviewed for the Wake Up To Money programme.
As part of the programme the presenters told listeners this would be the busiest day of the year for Garden Centres and DIY. Talking about boom time for Britains Garden Centres the interview with Andy was introduced with the fact that plant sales are up by 40% Andy said: "Sales are booming because of the weather. In my 38 years iun the business its always been the weather." "We compete with the big boys by giving very good advice." "It's been a very very good gardening weekend, not so strong for BBQ's and Furniture, we needed 5 degrees warmer for them to sell. the May Bank Holdays are key for that. DIY would be our main competitor for Easter."
Listen here via the Wake Up To Money Podcast using this link: starting at 40:00 minutes into the Podcast.
or listen to this clip of the interview, broadcast on BBC Radio 5 Live on 17th April 2017.
Then, on BBC Breakfast on Radio 5 Live at 7:30am, Alan Roper from Blue Diamond Garden Centres added his comment about current garden centre trading. "Today will be one of the largest traduig days of the year. Now is the time that people choose to visit garden centres. Our trading figures say it's all about then weather."
We will publish a link to the Alan Roper clip when it is available.