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£5k NGGV backing for Garden Re-Leaf Day

The HTA are to back a promotion for next March’s Garden Re-Leaf Day to the tune of £5,000 in National Garden Gift Vouchers.

The in-store wallposter-based promotion, provisionally titled ‘We’ve Lost the Plot!’, will invite customers at 200 HTA member garden centres to buy one of 100 numbered ‘garden plots’ for £1 each, with proceeds going to Greenfingers – a potential £20,000 result for the charity. One plot at each centre will contain a ‘prize pot’ of £25 in NGGV vouchers, with the winners drawn on Garden Re-Leaf Day (Friday 8 March 2013).

Garden centres will be able to order fund-raising packs from the HTA or download them online from interactive Garden Re-Leaf blog pages. HTA Marketing Manager Tony Stacey says all members, not just the 200 NGGV prize holders, will be encouraged to take packs to promote their own Garden Re-Leaf activities.

Garden ReLeaf’s joint founder Boyd Douglas-Davies says ‘We’ve Lost the Plot’ will hit all three of the project’s targets. “We will have driven customers in to garden centres, raised money for Greenfingers – and generated the interest of local media when the winners are announced,” he said.  “And, of course, the winners will be spending their vouchers in garden centres and nurseries next spring.”

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