HTA National Plant Show – supporting Home Grown Plants

As part of the British Protected Ornamentals Association’s (BPOA) drive to increase recognition of the Home Grown brand and in turn, British-grown products, Home Grown launched awards in 2014 to recognise excellence and support in growing, retailing and promoting British ornamental plants. The ‘Retailer’ award for 2016 will be presented at the HTA National Plant Show at 10.45am in the seminar area on Tuesday 21 June. Marks & Spencer won the 2015 Home Grown Retail Award for the promotion and support of UK-grown plants and flowers. Who will win in 2016? To support the scheme, BPOA have marketing material and PoS that are available for garden centres with a supporting website for gardeners which lists garden centres, nurseries and retailers who promote the Home Grown scheme. Ask your plant supplier for more information. Visitor registration is now open for the HTA National Plant Show. Book your place now at