We’ve been keeping a close eye on the press recently, looking out for mentions of poinsettias, and we’ve come across a whole slew of articles in local and regional papers and websites about specific nurseries and garden centres.
It seems wonderfully simple, all a nursery need do is send in a stunning photo of their red sea of poinsettia plants to the local paper, with some information about their business and the plants, and suddenly their name is out there in front of thousands of readers.
When it comes to getting your business known, a little bit of PR knowledge can go a long way. Which is why, this year, Stars for Europe have drawn up some new guidelines to help companies in the flower and plant industry work with the press.
In the Press Work Made Easy section on www.sfe-web.com there are instructions for how to build your own press distribution list, where to find the right journalist contacts, reasons to invite the press to your business, how to organise a press event, even a list of dos and don’ts for dealing with the media.
There’s also a selection of press release templates for you to use – all you need to do is fill in the blanks with your own details – and gorgeous high resolution images you can send to the press to show them what a stunning product poinsettias are.
December 12th was International Poinsettia Day, which is a great hook, so now’s the time to do it!
Please do email us at hello@purplespotted.com to let us know how you get on!