Get a pizza the barbecue and grill action

An underlying trend from the barbecue and grill exhibitors at SOLEX this week was the increasing number of Al Fresco Pizza baking options.
Al Fresco Pizza baking, either on a barbecue or in an outdoor pizza oven, is a growing market. As the team from Firepitsuk said: “Every family has a youngster who loves pizza.” Premier Decorations are importing the European market-leading range of pizza ovens from Fontana. They are 100% Italian made, with certified food safe stones and even have a double chimney version which will be an ideal sale for the “mine’s bigger than yours” brigade. “Italian pizza ovens are designed to cook a pizza in two minutes,” said Pravin Patel, of Premier Decorations. Lifestyle Appliances, Grakka, La Hacienda, Firepitsuk and Gardeco were all showing new pizza ovens and there was a host of pizza stone accessories from the likes of Napolean, Weber and Cadac. Perhaps selling pizza ovens and even giving live in-store demonstrations must be worth exploring, even in the Clyde Valley!
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