A massive thank you to party guests as over £5,250 is raised for Make A Wish

Guests at The Greatest Christmas Awards party dug deep and raised a staggering £5,259.50 for the Make-A-Wish charity.
A raffle on the night generated £1,840.
The figure was boost by a Special Auction for Consultancy Days with The Greatest Christmas Awards judges (click here for details), raising £2,919.50.
And Chris Taylor (Kaemingk agent) donated £500 as the result of a wager with John Athwal from Premier Decorations on the result of The Greatest Christmas Supplier Award. "A massive thank you to all party guests for beating the target set to allow our fundraising to pay for another magical wish to be fulfilled this year," said Trevor Pfeiffer. The raffle prizes included: - BBQ from Barbeskew
- Water feature donated by Kingfisher/Bonnington Plastics
- Hamper from Betty's Tea Shop, donated by Norfolk Leisure
- Wines from Kaemingk
- Vivid Arts Bambi
- Coffee machine and breadmaker from Garden Radio
- Year's subscription to GTN Bestsellers
- Magnum of champagne donated by Premier Decorations