13 orchid growers combine their inspiration during Orchid Inspiration Days
Thirteen specialists will be throwing open the doors of their nurseries for the premier commercial orchid event Orchid Inspiration Days from 6 to 13 June.
Their clients in the trade and their end-customers are invited to make an inspiring tour through the world of the orchid.
This is a unique collaboration between the growers from three different regions in the Netherlands, who are combining forces as both rivals and colleagues in this event.
A number of orchid events have been organised in recent years, all with the same goal: to inform and inspire exporters, wholesalers and retailers with product novelties, surprising concepts and outstanding added value. In autumn 2016 the thirteen companies decided to join forces and organise a joint event in three regions in the Netherlands.
This marked the inception of Orchid Inspiration Days. With this new name, a distinctive image and an interesting programme at each of the participating growers, the organisers are seeking to stimulate trade and exports.
By organising these inspiring days before and during the FlowerTrials the organisers are also targeting foreign clients who can make extra good use of their visit to the Netherlands. The central coordinating role is being played by Pull Position, which is carrying out the preparations for the event on behalf of the thirteen participants.
From Phalaenopsis, Zygopetalum and Brassia to eye-catching packaging material or cachepots in the latest trends, the inspiring tour of the participants will constantly surprising thanks to the content of the programme, which varies at each location.
To ensure rapid entry to the various companies, visitors are being asked to register in advance. They can do this on the website www.orchidinspirationdays.com.
The thirteen companies taking part in Orchid Inspiration Days are: Aphrodite Orchidee, GreenBalanZ, Van der Hoorn Orchideeën, Orchids4all, Cympha Orchideeën, Pannekoek Orchideeën, Stolk Flora, De Vreede Holland, Lansbergen Orchideeën, Levoplant, OK Plant, Opti-flor and Piet Vijverberg.
Opening times
Orchid Inspiration Days will take place from 6 to 13 June 2017.
Tue 6 to Thu 8 June | 08.00 to 18.00
Fri 9 June | 08.00 to 14.00
Mon 12 and Tue 13 June | 08.00 to 18.00