HTA helps to support horticulture in Scotland
HTA has been working the heart of Scottish Government this week at Holyrood, promoting the benefits of horticulture. Neil Cummings, Regional Business Manager for the HTA in Scotland, together with a team of HTA members has been exhibiting in the Garden Lobby area situated between the Debating Chamber and the MSP offices. Neil said: “Following a first very successful Holyrood Reception back in May we were invited to put on an exhibition right in the centre of Parliament. This has given us a fantastic opportunity to engage with many MSPs and Government ministers. We have been highlighting the positive impact of horticulture in Scotland such as the benefits to, the economy, health and well-being, environment and tourism. “It has also given us the opportunity to discuss how important it is to get horticulture into the curriculum for excellence so that our children have a better understanding of where their food comes from, how it is grown and the environment around them. Hopefully this will lead to a greater number of horticultural students at colleges and universities and an increase in the uptake of modern apprenticeships with horticultural businesses.” Neil had assistance from HTA past President Stan Green from Growforth Nurseries, HTA Council Representative for Scotland, Simon Fraser from Ben Reid Garden Centre, Dougal Philip from New Hopetoun Gardens and Carolyn Spray from Pentland Plants. There was much engagement with many MSPs during the week, on the benefits of horticulture in combatting social isolation, horticulture in education and the Love the Plot You’ve Got campaign. If you would like to add your voice to the discussions go to @LoveYourPlot or the #LoveYourPlot as MSPs are telling us why they love their gardens or gardening. Add a picture of your garden and tell us what it means to you.
Pictured: Richard Lockhead, Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and the environment, with Christine Grahame MSP SNP and Carolyn Spray of Pentland Plants.