It's the most sought after Christmas award in the industry, The Greatest Christmas Garden Centre Team, as it's the only award voted for by the people who matter most, your customers.
All you have to do to take part is download the pdf files listed below, print out the posters and voting forms, set up boxes for customers to pop their completed forms in and then invite your customers to vote for your team in the quest for Christmas Greatness.
The winners, presented at The Greatest Awards Christmas Party in Harrogate on January 11th 2015, will be the teams with the most votes in relation to their total number of staff members. That's why every size of garden centre can compete.
And every garden centre team that takes part wins in the voting. You'll be amazed at the wonderful feedback you get from the Christmas voting forms, which you can look through before you send into us for counting and verification.
You can hand out your voting forms in your restauarnt and coffee shop, grotto, reception desk and at the tills. The more votes your team acquires the more postive feedback you'll see and the better your chance of winning.
Voting starts on Monday 24th November and runs through until 4pm on Christmas Eve, Wednesday 24th December 2014. You'll need to package up your votes and get them into the post to The Greatest Christmas Awards, The Old School, 4 Crowland Road, Eye, Peterborough, PE6 7TN so that we receive them by January 2nd 2015. If you have any questions, please call us on 01733 775700.
As you know The Greatest Christmas Awards judges are out and about meeting teams and collecting information for all of the other Christmas Awards categories. From now on we will also be looking out for the most innovative ways of garnering customer votes too!
Links for downloads:
Poster artwork: The Greatest Christmas Awards 2014 Poster.pdf
Voting Forms artwork: The Greatest Christmas Awards Voting Postcard front and back ready for duplex printing.pdf
The Greatest Christmas Awards Voting Postcard Address side.pdf
The Greatest Christmas Awards Voting Postcard Voting side.pdf
Post your votes here artwork: The Greatest Christmas Awards Post Your Votes Here.pdf
Also available via dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/69tcbycwte53c0v/AABgbFWeKYxdJPKW1qinAORza?dl=0
Please contact trevor.pfeiffer@tgcmc.co.uk or call 01733 775700 if you have any problems downloading the artworks.
The sponsors for The Greatest Christmas Awards are:
Scotts create "the biggest sales force in UK gardening"
Combined Sales Force Announced
The Scotts Company (UK) Ltd has combined the Scotts Miracle-Gro and Scotts Solus Brands sales teams to create one overall Sales Force.
"We now have a single Scotts Team, the biggest sales force in UK gardening, with enormous experience. We will not rest until we prove ourselves with outstanding service to all our customers," said Rainer Schubert, Sales Director UK (pictured right)...

The Scotts Company (UK) Ltd has combined the Scotts Miracle-Gro and Scotts Solus Brands sales teams to create one overall Sales Force. The combined team, comprising more than 50 people directly involved in serving retail customers, will start operating immediately.
This means that every sales representative will now sell the whole portfolio of both companies to facilitate easier, better and quicker ordering and servicing our customers’ needs. The Sales Force will be organised into six mainland regions, each led by Scotts’ most experienced Regional Sales Managers (RSMs). Each RSM will have a team of between two and five people, comprising Sales Reps and Merchandisers. The Merchandisers, formerly part time, will become full-time employees, providing year-round support for all categories to our customers.
 The team will be led by Rainer Schubert, Sales Director UK. Peter Dawson will lead the newly expanded Independents Team, in his role as Independents Channel Manager. Patrick Philipp will report to Peter Dawson, as Field Sales Manager, leading an enlarged team of 35 field sales personnel. Garden Centre Group Accounts will be managed by Alan Jones and Simon Smethurst, from the former Scotts Miracle-Gro team, and Caroline Houghton, from the former Solus Brands team. Rainer Schubert (pictured above) commented: “This is a watershed moment for our new company. It has taken time to get to this point, but we were determined to get the structure right first time and, most importantly, ensure all the people concerned were treated properly. We’ve achieved that and will hit the ground running.
"We now have a single Scotts Team, the biggest sales force in UK gardening, with enormous experience. We will not rest until we prove ourselves with outstanding service to all our customers.” The Scotts Regional Sales Managers are as follows: - South-East – Jon Exall
- South-West – Tony Macer
- East Midlands – Ian Smith
- West Midlands – Russell Tame
- North – Steve Simmons
- Scotland – Bruce Willox
Sales in Ireland will continue to be led by Chris Ross.

Chessington's Rising Star is full of confidence

Hannah Mason started her garden centre career as a member of the Sunday Team at Chessington Garden Centre. Now she is one of five finalists in the Garden Centre Association Rising Stars Programme, sponsored by Westland Horticulture...

Hannah Mason started her garden centre career as a member of the Sunday Team at Chessington Garden Centre. Now she is one of five finalists in the Garden Centre Association Rising Stars Programme, sponsored by Westland Horticulture.
Hannah joined Chessington 3 years ago on the tills as part of the Sunday Team and then became full time in the shop. A year ago she became shop supervisor for all gardening items - chemicals, compost, pots, tools, etc – and is responsible for a team of 3 during the week and up to 10 at the weekend. Nominated for Rising Stars by her MD, Jolyon Martin, Hannah told GTN Xtra; “it was a big surprise when I was selected. I don’t work with him day to day so it was a shock, but a nice shock.” Jolyon says that different thinking as a key benefit of the Rising Stars programme as a result of Hannah’s involvement. “Us oldies can get quite boring. We get staid in our ways and the youngsters coming through have a different way of thinking. As long as we embrace their ideas they will be empowered and move forward with the business. If we ignore them they will just leave.” Hannah has grown in confidence during the course of the Rising Stars programme. “The scheme has really helped me. I’ve learned a lot from it and it’s made me think outside the box and learn to think more about what the customer sees. A year ago I wouldn’t have been able to ask my boss to do these things, let alone now think of these ideas and have him say yes to them.” “I’m looking forward to presenting my action plan and results at the GCA Conference. Customers have found it easier to shop the categories I’ve worked on and after some scepticism from other departments my colleagues all agreed “it looks good.” If anyone is undecided about entering Rising Stars next year, Hannah says: “Do it. It’s been so much fun to have ideas, be able to do them and to realise that if I like the look of something and it’s good, then customers will like it too.”
Jolyon has no doubt about the value of the scheme: “Put them forward and they will benefit. You will see the team grow.” Hannah, along with the other four finalists for 2014, will be presenting at the GCA Conference in January. Delegates will then be able to vote for the winner of Rising Stars 2014.

The five finalists of the Garden Centre Association Rising Stars Programme, sponsored by Westland Horticulture, are: Kirsty Clark (Perrywood GC), Matthew Fay (Stewarts Garden-Lands, Christchurch), Lisa Waim (Haskins Snowhill), Hannah Mason (Chessington) and Cerys Williams (Perrywood) have all made it through to the final challenge, where they will present at the GCA Conference in Chester on 26 January. The overall winner will be chosen by conference delegates. The results are the culmination of an eight month programme in which candidates attended three merchandising Masterclasses run by IBBIS director and training facilitator Ian Boardman. Thanks to Ian’s efforts, many of the Rising Stars went on to increase sales in their departments by keeping hotspots fresh, creating clear signage and organising themed displays throughout the year. Ian Boardman said: “All the Rising Stars who took part in the programme were top notch and I’d like to thank every single one of them for their efforts and praise them for the progress they have made. The results of their achievements in their workplace prove they are all stars in their own right!” Keith Nicholson, Marketing Director for Westland Horticulture said: “On behalf of Westland I’d like to congratulate the Rising Stars finalists for getting this far. We now face a very exciting GCA conference final where delegates will get the chance to vote for the winner – Rising Star of the Year 2014.”
GCA chief executive Iain Wylie said: “The five finalists have some really exciting presentations prepared for delegates. It is always the highlight of the GCA conference and this year will definitely not disappoint.” Twenty-eight of the most aspiring young representatives of the horticultural industry kicked off the Rising Stars Programme earlier this year.
The original list of 28 was whittled down to 10 in September before the final five were chosen.
GTN Xtra will be featuring a spotlight on all five over the coming weeks.
Planting even more magic for 2015 FOR guaranteed planting success, look no further than Gro-Sure® Planting Magic!
Planting Magic was the first of its kind to market and helped reinvigorate the plant food category. New for 2015 is a 700g bag, enough for 20 handfuls to tempt new consumers. Gro-Sure is also delighted to announce that an increased investment of £1 million will be spent on TV advertising for 2015. The TV advert, featuring the much-loved Charlie Dimmock shows consumers just how easy it is to use Planting Magic to deliver spectacular results!
Containing the perfect mix of fast acting and slow release feeds, seaweed for soil conditioning, plus special moisture controlling granules to give new plants the best possible start for spectacular results. It goes on looking after plants for the whole season, so roses, trees, shrubs, bedding, herbaceous plants and even fruits and vegetables will flourish. Appealing to all consumers and driving link sales through a range of innovative outdoor and indoor point of sale, it’s already one of the leading plant feeds in the UK* 
*GfK Panelmarket GB, Plant Fertilisers, Jan–Jun 2014 Hitlist, Sales Value
Haskins Garden Centre chain eyes national expansion

Bournemouth-headquartered Haskins Garden Centres chain is searching the country for potential new sites as it embarks on a national expansion programme. Chartered surveyor Johnson Fellows has been to find seven to ten acre freehold, roadside sites in locations ranging from St Albans and Swindon in the south to Solihull and Bromsgrove in the West Midlands...

Bournemouth-headquartered Haskins Garden Centres chain is searching the country for potential new sites as it embarks on a national expansion programme.
Chartered surveyor Johnson Fellows has been appointed by Haskins Garden Centres to find seven to ten acre freehold, roadside sites in locations ranging from St Albans and Swindon in the south to Solihull and Bromsgrove in the West Midlands. Haskins already has four garden centres in the south of England, employing more than 150 staff and generating a turnover last year of £33m. Ken Salway, consultant at Birmingham-based Johnson Fellows, said: "Haskins is a very successful family-owned company with four destination garden centres offering products for the garden and home alongside restaurants and cafes serving freshly prepared meals. "It's a successful business model which they want to replicate at sites within a three-hour drive of their head office. Sites we will consider must have a retail catchment population in excess of 150,000 people." He added two possible sites had already been identified, with another six being researched.
Penquins become bestselling items in garden centres
It’s highly possible the new John Lewis TV Christmas advert and the release of Penguins of Madagascar are driving sales volumes in garden centres. This week there are four Vivid Arts Playful Penguin products in the GTN Bestsellers Garden Products Top 50.

It’s highly possible the new John Lewis TV Christmas advert and the release of Penguins of Madagascar are driving sales volumes in garden centres.
This week there are four Vivid Arts Playful Penguin products in the GTN Bestsellers Garden Products Top 50. Star performers include: - The Vivid Arts Playful Sliding Penguin figure is the highest placed at No 6.
- There’s a new No 1 this week as the Window Lantern from Smart Garden Products (pictured below) makes its debut straight at the top.
- Drip Feeder sales are on the up – Gardman packs of 4 are a re-entry at No 14 and the Fito Poinsettia drip feed climbs 36 places to No 11.
To subscribe to GTN Bestsellers email karen.pfeiffer@tgcmc.co.uk

Is slow Christmas trade taking the shine off 2014?

Is Christmas taking the shine off an otherwise brilliant year for garden centre sales? To date the GTN Bestsellers Christmas Sales volume index is tracking 18% down on last year and our all products index has now slipped into a negative position for the first time this year.

Is Christmas taking the shine off an otherwise brilliant year for garden centre sales? To date the GTN Bestsellers Christmas Sales volume index is tracking 18% down on last year and our all products index has now slipped into a negative position for the first time this year.
It could be that the lack of cold weather is affecting sales volumes more, with wild bird care and winter products sales down considerably. But we’re hearing of amazing footfall reports from centres for their Christmas late night openings so the interest is there. The next two weeks are critical. Will sales be lit up by products such as the Window Lanterns from Smart Garden Products that have gone straight to No 1 this week, or will it be grottos and Christmas catering that provides the impetus? We look forward to finding out as we continue our visits for The Greatest Christmas Awards! GTN Bestsellers Top 50 sales volumes compared to the same week last year... - Garden Products – down 6%
- Xmas Products – down 18%
- Growing Media – down 6%
- All items index – down 16%
To subscribe to GTN Bestsellers email karen.pfeiffer@tgcmc.co.uk
Stewart Garden, the gardening division of UK manufacturer, Stewart Group Holdings, has launched its YouTube channel, Stewart Garden TV. On it, TV personality, Pippa Greenwood, demonstrates gardening techniques and ideas in short video clips. Stewart Garden’s TV tutorial clips are easy to digest. They help gardeners of all generations - with gardens of all sizes - make the most of their garden by learning about propagation, planters and pricking out from Pippa Greenwood. Earlier this year, The Telegraph Online published research commissioned by Google revealing that ‘how to/DIY’ is the third most popular video clip category. The study found 40 per cent of YouTube users have watched ‘how to/DIY’ clips at the site. The research also discovered a growing number older people using YouTube to access information. Andy Burns, marketing director at Stewart Garden, said: “Consumers are become more tech savvy, so we’re evolving to meet their changing needs. Our YouTube channel allows us to present our products in ways that help customers get the most out of them.” Stewart Garden’s grow your own products, watering equipment, pots, propagators and garden accessories are available in over 1,600 outlets across the UK and Eire. These include DIY outlets such as Homebase and Wilkinsons and garden centres such as Dobbies and Klondyke/Strikes, The Garden Centre Group and over 600 independent garden centres. Pippa Greenwood is one of Britain’s most popular gardening columnists, a respected author and regular broadcaster. Pippa’s writing commitments include BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine and a monthly page in NFU Countryside Magazine. For eighteen years, Pippa was the gardening columnist for The Mirror newspaper. Stewart Garden’s video clips can be found at http://www.stewart-garden.co.uk/content/21-gardentv/ and on YouTube.
Sponsor Carol and the Greenfingers Santa Run Team here

Greenfingers trustee and HTA CEO Carol Paris is leading the Christmas charge for Greenfingers this year by taking part in the London Santa Run on Sunday 7th December. Carol will be joined on the route by others from the industry including: Paul Ormond, Greenfingers trustee; Adam Wigglesworth, HTA Vice President and Director of Ayletts Garden; Pat Adams from the HTA; Chris Ramsden from Suttons; Al Sheppard from Burgon and Ball; Andrew Burton from Cedar Associates; industry consultant John Mosley; Craig Hall from Deco-Pak and Tara Ballinger from Williams Sinclair. Two VIP four-legged guests will also join our team of runners – no, not Rudolf and Blitzen – but Carol Paris’s two spaniels Max and Murphy who will no doubt put their fellow two-legged Santa’s to shame!
Carol sent us the picture of Max and Murphy (above), saying: "Not looking too keen to run! Maybe they need some sponsorship to get them going! Clearly you should never work with children or animals." All of the Santa Runners will complete the route dressed in Father Christmas outfits (including Carol’s dogs) as they run either 5km or 10km, which should make it quite a sight to behold – and definitely worthy of sponsorship! Keen runner Carol said: “What a great idea to link into the Santa theme that will be generating so much business for garden centres, but this time to raise money for our industry charity.” Greenfingers are thrilled to have such a strong team flying the flag for the charity at the run and are now calling on people across the industry to take the time to sponsor their sterling efforts and help raise much needed funds for Greenfingers’ gardens this festive season. For many of the children and families who use the hospice system across the UK Christmas will offer little respite from their daily situations - Greenfingers are urging people to think of these children and dig deep in support of the Santa Run. The charity is aiming to raise £5,000 through the run to put towards more much-needed gardens at children’s hospices around the country. Money raised from the Santa Run will directly contribute to the gardens Greenfingers hope to build in 2015 including at EllenorLions Children’s Hospice in Kent where there are currently no dedicated outdoor facilities for the children and families who spend time there. Greenfingers plan to create a lush ‘urban oasis’ at the hospice that will provide a valuable haven for the children and offer them a vital chance to engage with the natural environment. Sponsoring the Greenfingers’ Santa Run participants takes just a couple of minutes and can be easily done through Carol Paris’s dedicated Just Giving page www.justgiving.com/greenfingerssantarun Or text 70070 with the code SANT61 and the £[value of donation] The Santa Run 2014 takes place at Victoria Park in London on Sunday 7th December. In addition to calling for sponsorship for the Santa Run Greenfingers are also suggesting people send their E-Christmas Card this year, instead of a traditional card – thus helping the environment and raising money for a good cause at the same time. The Greenfingers E-Card is available in three different designs featuring scenes from gardens the charity has created this year. Cards can be adapted to suit individual needs with company names, logos and personalized messages. The charity is asking for a minimum donation of £50 where after use of the card is unlimited. Any businesses interesting in arranging a personalized copy of the e-card should email Hannah@greenfingerscharity.org.uk
Kingfisher continues to shine with their unique “World Icons”

One of the UK’s leading importers and distributors of value for money goods, Kingfisher (Bonnington Plastics Ltd) are leading the way in the garden, leisure and homeware industries, and garden lighting forms an important sector of their core ranges...

Solar powered lighting has experienced a boom in popularity over the past few years, and it’s not difficult to see why. The energy source is free, with no need for external wires and power outlets. It is easy to install, immune to power cuts, and environmentally friendly. With the trend for outdoor living on the increase in the UK, families are realising the importance of keeping gardens well lit so they can enjoy their outdoor spaces well into the evening.
One of the UK’s leading importers and distributors of value for money goods, Kingfisher (Bonnington Plastics Ltd) are leading the way in the garden, leisure and homeware industries, and garden lighting forms an important sector of their core ranges.
According to Sales Director, Sergio Tartaglia, despite “variations in trade pattern” over the past 3 years, Kingfisher reported record sales in the period October 2013 – July 2014, with sales up 65% on the same period of the previous year.
A major factor of Kingfisher’s continued growth is spotting rising trends and continuous research into what consumers want. After much research and months of development, the Kingfisher family have spotted the demand for novelty garden lighting, and is soon to launch a brand new range of solar lights.
Known as the World Icons range, this exclusive collection of registered designs is spearheaded by seven British symbolic icons. Included in the designs are a traditional British telephone box, a red post box, clock tower, double decker bus, British taxi, and an impressive lighthouse. Unique to Kingfisher you won’t find these designs anywhere else, and the development team is already working on similar designs featuring symbols from all over the World. Sergio says “Solar lighting is becoming one of our strongest ranges, offering a wide variety of decorative and novelty designs at much lower prices than our competitors. This new range offers customers something exciting and brand new and I am proud Kingfisher are the first in the UK to offer this unique solar World Icon range” This new quirky selection of solar lights will allow consumers to bring a tiny piece of Britain to their garden, and complements the existing Kingfisher collection of outdoor lighting, which, as well as a charming array of novelty lighting, also includes Victorian style lamps and functional security lights. Customers old and new are invited to come along to the Nottingham Showroom to sample not only these new products, but over 2500 product lines. Special offers and promotions will be offered to all visitors, as well as event only special deals. Appointments can be made by emailing ruth@bonningtonplastics.com, or by visiting the Bonnington Plastics Website at www.bonningtonplastics.com.
Download your copy of the Kingfisher Pre-Season Outdoor Spectacular 2014/2015 catalogue and the order form from these links:
Kingfisher Pre-Season Outdoor Spectacular 2014/2015
Kingfisher Pre-Season Order Form
Contact your local representative or Head Office on 0115 985 4119 for further details.
A sweet pea introduced exclusively by Mr Fothergill's has been awarded the prestigious Award of Garden Merit (AGM) by the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS).
The variety Pandemonium was given the accolade following a trial held at the Society's Wisley, Surrey, garden and assessed by the Sweet Pea Subcommittee and National Sweet Pea Society.
Sweet Pea Pandemonium was bred in New Zealand by the world's pre-eminent hybridiser of the Lathyrus genus Dr Keith Hammett. On hearing of the success, Keith commented "I am delighted Pandemonium’s garden-worthiness has been acknowledged by the RHS, and that it is so popular in the UK, my country of birth". Mr Fothergill's has developed close links to Keith Hammett, and its other recent exclusive sweet pea introductions include Jimelda, Sir Henry Cecil and Chelsea Centenary. Pandemonium is a large flowered Spencer type with frilled pink 'flake' blooms borne on long, strong stems. Ideal for cutting and garden display, Pandemonium is very sweetly scented. A packet of 20 seeds of Pandemonium is priced at £2.09, available from Mr Fothergill's retail stockists throughout the UK.
The annual Kingfisher Pre-season BIG giveaway has begun!

The annual Kingfisher Pre-season BIG giveaway has begun! If you have never purchased Kingfisher products before, now is the time to order.
Grow your profits with a complete range of products, covering everything you need in store. New customers will receive 25% off catalogue prices, plus FREE delivery for orders placed over £500.00+VAT...
The annual Kingfisher Pre-season BIG giveaway has begun! If you have never purchased Kingfisher products before, now is the time to order.
Grow your profits with a complete range of products, covering everything you need in store. New customers will receive 25% off catalogue prices, plus FREE delivery for orders placed over £500.00+VAT.
Either order now for immediate delivery, or secure stock for delivery up to 30th May 2015. This offer is available until 31st January 2015, giving you plenty of opportunity to spread your cash and save even more!
Take a look inside at just a selection of the 2,000 products available. Download your copy of the catalogue and the order form from these links:
Kingfisher Pre-Season Outdoor Spectacular 2014/2015
Kingfisher Pre-Season Order Form

Wildlife World has launched a new interactive retail display – an innovative retail aid ideal for garden centres and department stores – that displays wildlife habitat products while providing information on the insects that the products benefit.
The punchy display is designed to give retailers ideas about how habitats link to plant and wildflower seed sales and the ‘make your own’ market. Wildlife World has adopted its considerable experience in supplying retailers with high quality wildlife products to produce the display that uses sound and video to communicate their message to the consumer. Designing and manufacturing wildlife products for over 15 years, Wildlife World distribute worldwide to domestic retailers and conservation organisations.
The concept of a specifically designed retail display is a solution to the issue Wildlife World identified within the wildlife retail sector. Although a fantastic range of nature products is available in stores there is a lack of communication on where and how best they are used. This display allows retailers to create engaging promotional features for many plants, seeds and ‘make your own’ habitat components, such as bee nesters or insect hotels.
Norman Sellers, MD of Wildlife World, explains: “We have worked for many years with top garden and leisure retailers and witness first-hand the great efforts they go to in promoting conservation products and an environmentally friendly ethos.
"We have created the interactive retail display to help retailers educate the consumer on wildlife products so they have a thorough understanding of what they are buying and are equipped with the knowledge to ensure they gain the most from their purchase.
"Allowing stores to educate while increasing sales will enhance the brand’s image and encourage returning custom as it will guarantee high level product satisfaction.”
The bee and butterfly promotional display incorporates sound and video that carries links which users can follow to find further relevant information.
The stand also has facilities for the retailers to add individual touches by creating displays of plants and complementary products.
Further information is available from Wildlife World on 01666 505333, by emailing james@wildlifeworld.co.uk or by visiting the company’s website at www.wildlifeworld.co.uk
The Quest for Christmas Greatness - Buy Your Tickets for The Greatest Christmas Party Here
Last few days for Earlybird discount rates
The quest for The Greatest Christmas teams is on. The expert team of judges are now out and about visiting all of the teams nominated in this years The Greatest Christmas Awards. You’ll find out who are The Greatest at Christmas this year by joining us at the first awards event of 2015, The Greatest Christmas Awards Christmas Party...
The sponsors for The Greatest Christmas Awards are:

The quest for The Greatest Christmas teams is on. The expert team of judges are now out and about visiting all of the teams nominated in this years The Greatest Christmas Awards. You’ll find out who are The Greatest at Christmas this year by joining us at the first awards event of 2015, The Greatest Christmas Awards Christmas Party, sponsored by Premier Decorations, on the night of Sunday January 11th at The Majestic Hotel, Harrogate. Our annual awards presentation and Christmas party is an event not to be missed whether you are visiting the Harrogate Christmas and Gift show or just want to have another great Christmas Party with some great garden centre people. Tickets are now on sale for the party, which includes reception drinks, a 3 course meal with wine, the awards presentation and dancing the night away to a live party band. Early Bird discounts apply for all tickets purchased before November 23rd. Early Bird Ticket prices for The Greatest Christmas Awards Party, sponsored by Premier Decorations. Early Bird Tickets | Price | Per person ex VAT | Single | £80 + VAT | £80.00 | 3 | £228 + VAT | £76.00 | 5 | £360 + VAT | £72.00 | Table of 10 | £680 + VAT | £68.00 |
Please call The Greatest Christmas Awards team on 01733 775700 or e-mail harry.sinclair@tgcmc.co.uk to book your Early Bird tickets today – before November 28th or buy on-line using these links:
Prices below include VAT The sponsors for The Greatest Christmas Awards are:
Our client is looking for a Chef for their busy garden centre.
Job Summary: - Prepares and produces food and dish’s to the Head Chef’s specifications.
- To comply fully with Statutory and Company Regulations concerning the hygiene, health and safety of staff, food and equipment.
- Key Responsibilities and Accountabilities
- Assists the Head Chef to plans menu to achieve and maintain the budgeted food cost / gross profit.
- Ensures that all equipment and fittings are cleaned and maintain in a safe and proper manner and record on the cleaning schedule.
- Keeps work stations, surrounding work surfaces and floor, clean, tidy and organized at all times.
- Adheres to the company’s Purchasing Policy. Ensures supplies are properly issued, used and accounted for.
- Carries out stock takes and food rotation procedures under the supervision of the Head Chef.
- Controls portion size and monitors wastage as directed by the Head Chef.
- Inspects dishes for quality, temperature and attractiveness before serving.
- Maintains records relating to food production activities and supplies information as required by the Restaurant Manager and Head Chef.
- Prepares and participates in special functions, which may be outside normal working hours.
- Have a hands-on approach for all Kitchen staff and to get involved in many aspects i.e. cleaning duties etc
- Report any issues with food quality and freshness to the Head Chef / Restaurant Manager
- Follow the Stock Labelling and Rotation System to ensure the products are identifiable and used in the correct order
- Help to establish the Kitchen area as a positive work environment for all
Where required:
- Deputises for the Head Chef
- Responsible for overseeing all operational aspects of the Kitchen and staff in the absence of the Head Chef
- Responsible for ensuring all kitchen staff are preparing and presenting quality food and all final products leaving the kitchen are at the Company Standard
- Completes opening and closing procedures for the Kitchen
- Direct staff as required to ensure all operational tasks are completed safely and efficiently
- Ensure daily administration records are complete, accurate and passed to the Head Chef on his return
- Ensure all kitchen staff comply fully with Statutory and Company Regulations concerning the hygiene, health and safety of staff, food and equipment.
- Deal with staff issues that may arise on a day-to-day basis in the kitchen and to communicate these to the HC on their return
- Ensure that all ongoing training for all kitchen staff is implemented accordingly
- Ensure staff are filling their specific job requirements, delegating or directing where necessary
Please call 01780 480530 and speak to Dianne Saunders or apply with your CV, quoting reference #6902 to info@morepeople.co.uk

We are seeking an experienced Landscape Foreman to work on prestigious domestic projects predominately around West London and surrounding areas. For this role you must have proven experience in successfully running large domestic projects, ordering materials, interpreting plans and performing a wide variety of hard and soft landscaping skills. You will also be responsible in reporting to management regularly and delivering projects on time and on budget. You must be well presented and able to liaise with clients and designers effectively. A current driver's licence is required. Please call 01780 480530 and speak to Dianne Saunders or apply with your CV quoting reference #6888 to info@morepeople.co.uk

Our client runs a small design and build landscaping company that also carry out garden maintenance of the landscapes that they build and due to expansion of the business they are now looking for an experienced Hard & Soft Landscape Operative
Working on residential and commercial throughout Kent. As an experienced Hard Landscape Operative you would be responsible for carrying out a wide range of manual landscaping duties under the guidance and direct supervision of the person you are responsible to.
Whilst you will generally be working with others you will at times need to work under your own initiative without close supervision. The work is physically demanding and you would be working outside in all weathers.
We have teams that undertake hard landscape works, soft landscape works and grounds maintenance operations. The contracts that we undertake are very varied and the industry is seasonal by nature and so whilst you will primarily be involved in hard landscape works, there are likely to be occasions when you will be required to undertake soft landscaping and garden maintenance.
At all times: - Promoting the company's professional image on site and working in accordance with the Company Health and Safety Policy.
- Work to a high standard without constant supervision.
The key tasks of the position can be broadly summarised as follows: - Hard Landscaping
- Undertaking minor demolition works.
- Assisting in the construction of stone or brick walls, retaining structures, laying kerbs, timber edgings, setts, slabs, stone paths/surfacing's, concrete slabs etc.
- Erection of various garden structures
- Assisting in the erection of various types of fences and timber structures
- Assisting in the installation of land drainage and surface water drainage systems
- You may be required to use a wide range of power tools such as disc saws, drills etc. and to operate many different items of plant including mini excavators, dumpers, rollers and the like whilst undertaking the above works.
Soft Landscape Works - The cultivation and preparation of ground for turfing, seeding or planting.
- Taking delivery of and planting trees, shrubs, ground cover and herbaceous plants.
- Mulching planted areas with bark, mushroom compost, manure or similar materials.
- Completing turfing and seeding works.
- Lawn mowing
- Hedge cutting
- General garden maintenance
Working Hours - The basic working hours are 08:00 to 17.00 Monday to Friday with a half an hour lunch break (unpaid) and a 15 minute unpaid morning and afternoon break.
Experience Required - Ideally the successful applicant will have gained previous experience within the landscape industry however applications will be welcomed from candidates who have gained relevant experience through working for building, groundwork's or civil engineering contractors.
- training and qualification is hard landscape, patios, paving and fencing
Please call 01780 480530 and speak to Dianne Saunders or apply with your CV, quoting reference #6832 to info@morepeople.co.uk

Our client is looking for an exerienced manager to head up their domestic landscaping division. As the General Manager of this unit you will report to the Sales and Marketing Director and will be responsible for the general running of that division.
Areas of specific responsibility.
The General Manager will: - With the Sales and Marketing Director and the Managing Director, agree an annual budget for the division that is achievable and in-line with the aspirations of the Company.
- Working with the Sales and Marketing Director, agree a Marketing Plan for the division that is capable of generating the level of sales expected for the division.
- Be responsible for the financial control of the Division in line with the Division’s budget.
- Act as the first point of contact for all enquiries received by the Division.
- Where appropriate, arrange for design and costing skills to be contracted in by the Division in response to such enquiries.
- Ensure that an appropriate, costed, quotation is provided by the Division in reply to each enquiry received.
- Ensure that all such quotations maintain the Division’s expectation of margin on labour and materials costs
- Co-ordinate and control the Division’s labour resource to ensure that work is carried out in a timely and efficient manner, in line with the costings relating to each job.
- Ensure that the purchasing of materials is controlled and in line with the costed budget for each job undertaken
- Ensure that adequate records are kept to allow complete control of all work undertaken and that such record keeping is acceptable to the Company’s Finance Director.
- Ensure that staff working within the Division do so in accordance with the Company’s policies, including those of Health and Safety and Environment.
- Ensure that all machinery and equipment used by the Division is used and maintained safely and responsibly and in accordance with any related policies of the Company, including those of Health and Safety
- Ensure that all staff disciplinary issues are conducted in accordance with the Company’s employment policies
- Ensure that all staff working for the Division do so in a way that will uphold the good reputation of the Company.
Person Specification. Suitable candidates will have experience in: - The practical aspects of landscape construction
- Compiling quotations for landscaping projects
- Management of staff in landscape construction
- Cost control in a management position
- Face to face negotiate and discussion with clients
The successful candidate will be able to demonstrate: - Basic understanding of business finance and familiarity with Profit and Loss accounts.
- Strong management and organizational skills
- Good communication skills
- Understanding of the high quality standards required of high-end domestic contracting
- The ability to work well with colleagues and other members of the management team in a larger organization.
. Please call 01780 480530 and speak to Dianne Saunders or apply with your CV, quoting reference #6861 to info@morepeople.co.uk


Did you see the Order Form for the Kingfisher Pre-Season Outdoor Spectacular in your copy of Garden Trade News?
A number of our readers have reported the Order Form not being in the 12 page catalogue that was delivered with the November issue. If that applies to you too, please e-mail trevor.pfeiffer@tgcmc.co.uk and we'll pop a copy in the post, or you can download a copy here:
Kingfisher Pre-Season Order Form
Take a look at just a selection of the 2,000 products available. Download your copy of the catalogue here:
Kingfisher Pre-Season Outdoor Spectacular 2014/2015

Bosmere celebrate Debbie’s 25 years
Debbie Curtis of Bosmere recently celebrated 25 years service with the company. The event was marked with a presentation and staff get together at the Crawley offices...

Debbie Curtis of Bosmere recently celebrated 25 years service with the company. The event was marked with a presentation and staff get together at the Crawley offices.
Debbie joined the business in 1989 and has covered all aspects of the company’s operations from production to warehousing, administration and sales.
She currently holds the position of general manager and is also responsible for export sales.
Commenting on her 25 years at Bosmere, Debbie said: “It has been really rewarding contributing to the growth of the company from our relatively small operation in Portsmouth to being a major player in the garden market. We have a great team of people here at Crawley and that is what makes the job so enjoyable.” Managing Director Justin Landon presented Debbie with a rare model of Desert Orchid designed by Warren Platt from the famous Beswick range which will be added to Debbie’s collection.
Justin said “We would like to congratulate Debbie on her achievement and thank her most sincerely for the major contribution she has made to the business.
"Her wide experience in all aspects of the company is greatly appreciated and we look forward to working together for many years to come.”
Pictured above (from left to right): Justin Landon, Debbie Curtis and Steve Millington.


Kelkay's new garden gabions, which were launched at Glee 2014, are proving to be a big hit.
Kelkay’s versatile garden gabions can be filled with stones, rocks and wood to create a personalised look. They can be stacked to create height, walls or divisions. Placed side by side, they can create a feature or frame for other assets in the garden. Placed together, the gabions can serve as corner seats, benches, area dividers, banking, steps, borders and or growing beds. Kelkay’s garden gabions come in two sizes: - 30cm x 30cm x 30cm, RRP £8.99
- 40cm x 40cm x 40cm, RRP £9.99
Anthony Harker, managing director at Kelkay, said: “These new garden gabions inspire creativity. They are an excellent way of transforming an outdoor space with minimal effort and cost. Customers can install gabions themselves and personalise their garden with a choice of materials.” Kelkay’s brand portfolio includes Borderstone®, Build Mate, easyfountain® and Henri®, providing retailers with a single source of supply for a wide range of garden products. These include aggregates, stone, water and garden features, paving, edging and walling, building materials, horticulture, growing media and winter garden products. By promoting aggregates, paving and fountains with eye-catching point of sale, merchandising units and display stands, garden retailers have seen sales grow in these categories. For more information, visit http://www.kelkay.co.uk/
Top 10 Christmas Bestsellers are great value
The value of really good bestselling products is really apparent in the GTN Bestsellers Christmas Chart this week. Sales volumes of the Top 10 are up on last year by 2%, but the overall Top 50 sales volumes are down by 18%.
The value of really good bestselling products is really apparent in the GTN Bestsellers Christmas Chart this week. Sales volumes of the Top 10 are up on last year by 2%, but the overall Top 50 sales volumes are down by 18%. Of that Top 10, four are personalised items and another four are battery-operated powered Christmas ornaments. Products shining this week include: - Highest chart re-entry at No 5 is the Battery Operated Dancing Snowman from Premier.
- Kaemingk Snow Spray Non-Flamable 400ml is the highest new entry.
- Packs of five Premier Battery-Operated Cream Flicker Wax Candles are the highest chart climber, up from No 27 to No 6.
To subscribe to GTN Bestsellers email karen.pfeiffer@tgcmc.co.uk
Houseplant compost sales rise with drip feeders
Houseplant compost sales grew by 66% on last week as gardeners spent less time outdoors – this marries with the increase in sales of drip feeders as seen in the GTN Bestsellers Garden Products Chart...
Houseplant compost sales grew by 66% on last week as gardeners spent less time outdoors – this marries with the increase in sales of drip feeders as seen in the GTN Bestsellers Garden Products Chart. This week’s GTN Bestsellers Growing Media chart sees five houseplant compost lines in the Top 50, but no specialist cactus compost just yet. Star performers this week: - Growth Technology Orchid Focus Medium Compost, 3 litre packs, are the highest placed Houseplant compost line.
- Arthur Bowers Orchid Compost are the only chart new entry at No 42.
- Westland Multipurpose, 50 litres, is the week’s highest chart re-entry at No 9.
To subscribe to GTN Bestsellers email karen.pfeiffer@tgcmc.co.uk

Burgon & Ball has unveiled its new Weed Slice complete with delta wing styling. Building upon its proud heritage of innovative design and manufacturing excellence, the Weed Slice is set to revolutionise weeding. Manufactured in Sheffield from hardened and tempered high carbon steel, the Weed Slice’s innovatively designed delta wing shaped head slices through both compacted soil and gravel beds with the minimum of effort and fuss.
By skimming just under the surface of the soil, Weed Slice minimises soil disturbance, in turn reducing both new weed germination and also moisture loss. Cutting on both the push and pull strokes, Burgon & Ball’s Weed Slice is both quick and efficient.
Standing 148cm high, the Weed Slice eliminates stooping and back strain and allows you to weed at a distance thereby avoiding further soil compaction. - Hardened and tempered high-carbon steel head with stainless steel tang.
- Polished FSC® Ash handle.
- Head width 10cm, Overall length 148cm.
RRP: Ј24.95 Available from all good garden centres and burgonandball.com
Young landscaper named ‘Best in the UK’ at The Skills Show
The Association of Professional Landscapers has announced that Robert Wylie, from CAFRE, has been named the ‘Best in the UK’ in Landscape Gardening after winning Gold at the WorldSkills UK National Competitions at this year’s The Skills Show...
The Association of Professional Landscapers has announced that Robert Wylie, from CAFRE, has been named the ‘Best in the UK’ in Landscape Gardening after winning Gold at the WorldSkills UK National Competitions at this year’s The Skills Show.
Robert beat students from Reaseheath College, Bishop Burton College and CAFRE to win the Gold Medal. Jonathan Buchanan got Silver whilst Ronan McLarnon and Dean Thomson got joint Bronze. The garden, designed by Alexandra Froggatt tested the competitors in every aspect of landscape design including: - Plan and mark out, including height measurements.
- Hard landscape features including, small unit paving, block work, paving with flagstones, foundations and footings, water features.
- Timber work, pergolas, fence details, decking.
- Plants and turf. This includes both plan and freestyle planting methods.
Judges for the Landscape Gardening competition include garden designer Jody Lidgard, who has run his own landscaping firm for over 18 years, award winning APL member Rod Winrow from Garden House Design and 2011 WorldSkillsUK medal winner Simon Abbott. Ross Maloney, Chief Executive, Find a Future, said: “The Skills Show is an amazing showcase for the nation’s vast variety of skills. Just as we celebrate our athletes, so we champion our skills and inspire young people to make their own mark on industry. Congratulations to all those who took part in the WorldSkills UK Competitions. “It is through competition activity, The Skills Show and The Skills Show Experience that Find a Future can provide young people and their parents with the chance to get excited about the world of work and make informed choices about their future.” The APL would like to thank sponsors Greenwood Nursery, Greenline Plants, Makita UK, Jewson, Marshalls and Suttons Seeds for their support for the show. Over 75,000 people attended The Skills Show and watched 588 apprentices and learners battle it out in 64 skills competitions, ranging from Forensic Science to Floristry, with the aim of being named ‘UK Champion’ in their chosen skill. Visitors to The Skills Show were also able to ‘Have a Go’ at different skills and meet with employers and National Careers Service advisors to receive the latest information on apprenticeships and other training opportunities. Outstanding competitors from this year’s WorldSkills UK Competitions may be invited to join the shortlist for WorldSkills Abu Dhabi 2017. WorldSkills is the world’s largest skills competition and Squad UK is currently in training for WorldSkills São Paulo 2015 which takes place from 11 to 16 August, 2015. To register your interest for the next cycle of WorldSkills UK Competitions visit www.worldskillsuk.org
Certainly Wood joins BHETA
Certainly Wood is the latest company to join the British Home Enhancement Trade Association (BHETA). The inventor of kiln dried firewood, is a family business and the largest specialist firewood supplier in the UK...
Certainly Wood is the latest company to join the British Home Enhancement Trade Association (BHETA). The inventor of kiln dried firewood, is a family business and the largest specialist firewood supplier in the UK.
All firewood and kindling is hardwood from sustainable British woodland and all logs are dried in unique wood fired kilns, with electricity provided by solar panels. Certainly Wood’s new Flamers natural firelighters product has been the driving force behind joining BHETA as the company looks to secure distribution in garden centres and DIY stores across the country. Nic Snell, Managing Director at Certainly Wood, commented: “Our Flamers in particular are unique in the UK, so I am particularly happy for Certainly Wood to become a member of BHETA as I am confident that the opportunities it provides for networking, retail engagement and market information are excellent and will be very useful.” BHETA’s home improvement sector director Peter Stone said: “Certainly Wood is a great company with a terrific product offer and a really innovative approach, so I’m delighted that the directors have recognised the potential value of BHETA when it comes to driving their business forward.”

Green-fingered pupils from Queensbury School in Erdington have been helping to spruce up their local park.
The school has teamed up with national green services provider, Glendale, to give its students the chance to gain work experience in Brookvale Park and help with their transition into life after school. The students, who have moderate to severe learning difficulties, have worked alongside Glendale's park keeper, Paddy Morrissey, on different projects to improve the park. In particular they have helped with an ongoing project to protect the island at the centre of Brookvale Park’s lake, filling hundreds of sandbags which were placed around the island to minimise erosion. The island was restored to its former glory in June this year after erosion began to endanger the wildlife. Paddy has also been teaching the pupils, who are between the ages of 17 and 19, about the park and the wildlife found there. Tod Hale, general manager at Glendale, said: “There are lots of benefits to getting young people with learning difficulties working in a green space. The pupils are given some autonomy in the outdoors where they can develop new skills, and the change in scenery stimulates learning. “It’s also a great way to give the pupils an insight into the work that’s done to keep Brookvale Park looking as good as it does and the way plants grow. “The project has benefited the park too. The students have been doing an excellent job and have worked hard with great enthusiasm. They’ve played a vital role in protecting the island from further erosion – not to mention they’ve been keeping our park keeper, Paddy, on his toes.” Lynette Douglas, work related advisor at Queensbury School, said: “Working at Brookvale Park is teaching our pupils valuable skills such as teamwork and presentation, and is helping them practice social skills and communication. They are being encouraged to think independently and most importantly, growing in confidence. “What’s been great is that this project has also given pupils the chance to integrate into the community, while working at the park they’ve met and become friends with other young people from the area. “Glendale has been a fantastic organisation to work with and has provided our students with an invaluable experience.” Queensbury School’s pupils are volunteering at Brookvale Park every Wednesday morning.
Members of the Garden Centre Association are being invited to put their marketing campaigns to the test this month and compete for the chance to win the Worrall Cup. The cup will be awarded to the garden centre that has the best marketing campaign or initiative during the association’s annual conference in January (2015). Iain Wylie, Chief Executive of the GCA, said: “This is a great opportunity for members to win a prestigious award. “We’re looking for the garden centre that has come up with the best, most inspiring marketing campaign or initiative. We want our members to show flair and creativity and most importantly inspire other members to follow suit. “As this award is not influenced by the annual inspection all entries have an equal chance of winning when the judging panel meet to assess the merits of each submission and decide the winner. To enter people can request a form via info@gca.org.uk or download one from www.gca.org.uk. Entries can be submitted via email at info@gca.org.uk. The deadline is 5pm on Friday, January 16. Iain added: “The entries will be judged by an independent panel of judges with marketing expertise. “The winner will be announced during our annual dinner awards ceremony, which takes place at the end of our annual conference, on the evening of Tuesday, January 27.
“As always our conference will provide attendees with pertinent information on key aspects of the garden centre industry to assist members in achieving their business goals. “The information shared will focus on a wide range of topics, including merchandising, marketing and management. There will also be plenty of opportunities for delegates to network and socialise.” The GCA conference, which is sponsored by Scotts and Westland Horticulture, takes place at the De Vere Carden Park in Chester from January 25 until 28.
Chestnuts roasting on a Chimenea!
During the recent Halloween weekend, visitors to Longacres Garden Centre in Bagshot, Surrey, saw a new way to roast chestnuts! Staff demonstrated how to use the Gardeco Chestnut Pan on a Colima Mexican Chimenea.
During the recent Halloween weekend, visitors to Longacres Garden Centre in Bagshot, Surrey, saw a new way to roast chestnuts!
Staff demonstrated how to use the Gardeco Chestnut Pan on a Colima Mexican Chimenea.
The heat of a wood fire crisps the skin of the chestnut and quickly cooks the interior providing a delightful taste.
All the chimeneas on display were sold during the day. Gardeco offer general cooking advice to all customers throughout the year.
As the leading innovator in real fires, Gardeco are committed to providing innovative and practical new products for every season. Tel: 0870 234 0003 today. www.gardeco.co.uk

Multi-award winning designer Adam Frost will bring a modernist feel to 2015 RHS Chelsea Flower Show, creating a dynamic community space for The Homebase Garden, to highlight the importance of green spaces in our urban environments. Inspired by the work of Marcel Breuer and the Bauhaus movement, the garden will have a strong architectural feel using modernist materials and simple geometric shapes to form a dynamic backbone to the garden and to break the space to create water, lawn and planting divisions. The concrete structures will be softened with wildlife-friendly planting to reflect the active wildlife corridors in our city dwellings and to demonstrate how nature can thrive in an urban setting. A striking cedar-clad building at the rear of the garden will add a distinct urban flavour and provide a unique viewing platform. Homebase is a long-standing sponsor at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show. The 2015 Homebase Garden will be its fourth Show Garden at the event following three consecutive Gold medals. Students from the recently launched Homebase Garden Academywill be working alongside Adam Frost to build the garden.
What would you do with an EXTRA £51,867 in the next 12 months?
A note from Ian Boardman - The Garden Centre Growth and Profit Specialist
It’s getting harder than ever for you to profitably compete with the phenomenal rise of online shopping and put up a fight with other major garden centres for your customers...
It’s getting harder than ever for you to profitably compete with the phenomenal rise of online shopping and put up a fight with other major garden centres for your customers. I am fortunate enough to visit loads…and I mean loads of Garden Centres all over the UK through my role as a Growth and Profit Specialist, and what I know is true is that your profit is inextricably linked to your ability to please and delight your customers. You already know the stuff I’m talking about, little things like; “Would you like a piece of our homemade coffee cake with your drink?” or “If you’re after something to brighten the garden up quickly why not take a look at…” or even as simple as “Let me help you get that into the car?”. Now all of this stuff sounds simple and you might even disregard it as unimportant, but I urge you to take 3½ minutes to think this through properly as it’s the exact stuff that impacts your profit at the end of this month and this year. This is the stuff that differentiates the successful Garden Centres and the faceless online stores. The good news is it’s simple to get right. To help you and your team put this transformational world class service into action which makes dramatic increases to your profit I’m offering you my own mystery shopping service. It means that you can be safe in the knowledge that your team are put through their paces every month and they are always performing at their best. We not only provide a full comprehensive report each month (along with the video footage for our Platinum Package) so you can see it from your customer’s view. There are also my recommendations for your growth and profit upsurge as yes I do read and sign off every one! What We Achieved With Recent Clients: - 33% uplift in add-on cake sales following one of our workshops
- A six fold lift in Hebe sales
- Selling four times more climbers than the previous year
- Over 40% of extra Christmas sales
- Doubling plant feed sales
- Nine-fold increase in cafe add on sales
Most importantly we also implement proven and practical training workshops for your team to keep them sharp and focused on finding the ‘hidden money’ in your business all year round – believe me this stuff works - this is what happened recently: “Working with Ian has helped me focus the business. Ian has been particularly helpful in how we manage and motivate our employees, helping us have focused training sessions on improving their retail and customer service skills. This has helped us raise our retail standards, driving extra sales through good layout, hot spots and POS; all of which have helped us achieve a 100% increase in turnover since 2006. We continue to use Ian to drive our business forward to be the best we can." Justin Williams, Managing Director, Fron Goch Garden Centre Dedicated to your success, Ian Boardman BSc MBA MiHort Head of Maximising your Growth and Profit! Director, Ibbis Ltd Oh yes – where does the £51,867 come from? Let’s take a client turning over £2.5m with an average spend of £20. That’s 125,000 transactions. So we helped them sell just over 41p worth more to each customer – and it was an extra £51,867 in the till!
Every week GTN receives and analyses epos data from a number of UK garden centres to produce the GTN Bestsellers charts and weekly bestsellers sales tips. The full charts which provide useful insight into product sales peaks, new trends and new link sales opportunities are published in the weekly GTN Xtra printed newsletter.
As the year goes on we give sales volume comparisons with 2012 as well as 2013 to allow your teams to see variations over a three year period. Access is by subscription only. For £145.00 per year you and your team can have access to the most upto date gardening sales analysis that has already helped many UK garden centres increase their sales. To subscribe call 01733 775700, e-mail karen.pfeiffer@tgcmc.co.uk or buy on-line using this link. Highlights of the GTN Garden Products Bestsellers chart for this week are here
Highlights of the GTN Christmas Products Bestsellers chart for this week are here
Highlights of the GTN Growing Media Bestsellers chart for this week are here
WARNING the GTN Bestsellers Charts seriously improve the business of our subscribers. Invest 15 minutes each week in improving your sales using the GTN Bestsellers charts and your turnover and customer satisfaction will improve too.

Get the GTN Bestsellers charts in full every week in the GTN Bestsellers newsletters delivered via the post for only £145.00.
GTN Bestsellers is the only industry source of weekly garden centre sales information, collating Epos data from centres with an aggregate turnoiver in excess of £120m.
Use the weekly Garden Products and Growing Media Top 50 sales volumes charts to plan your hotspot and other promotions and ensure you have the right products in stock to satisfy the needs of your customers.
For further information contact karen.pfeiffer@tgcmc.co.uk or call 01733 775700.
Buy your subscription today and start receiveing the GTN Bestsellers charts this week.