Frosty weather puts a hold on late April growth but sales of roses bloom
Roses move up to No 3 in our Garden Plants Bestsellers chart

Sales of rose plants and Frostgard are among the big movers in the GTN Bestsellers charts this week, and for a moment we expected sales of sledges and snow shovels to feature too!
In the GTN Bestsellers Garden Plants Chart we see Roses enter our Top 20 volume sales by genus chart for the first time with a 300% increase to be the third most popular plant of the week.
Pelargoniums, including all the varieties of zonal geraniums, continue to be the No 1 Bestselling genus of garden plants as we go through April and their sales increased by almost 10%, despite the cold and frosty conditions.
Imagine what the sales would have been with better weather!
Fuchsia sales grew by 30% and there were over 20% increases for Bacopa, Pericallis and Begonia. Lavender sales were up by 18% jumping two places to No 4.
With plant areas fully stocked and looking good what are your tips for the most popular plants in May 2016?
We look forward to meeting many great plant sales teams during May as we get the search for The Greatest Plant Teams of 2016 underway.
If you’ve not sent in a nomination yet, e-mail before May 6th to ensure a visit from our team of experts.
GTN Bestsellers Top 50 sales volumes compared to the same week last year...
- Garden Products - down 14%
- Veg-2-Gro - down 51%
- Growing Media - down 29%
- All Items Index - down 18%