Having greenery around the home has been shown to boost mood, reduce stress levels, and create a sense of peace, so it is unsurprising that the desire to grow houseplants as a hobby is booming (and blooming!). Looking after houseplants is a hobby that’s inclusive to all, even those with limited space in the home.
The trend for vertical planting has opened up the world of indoor gardening to everyone, no matter the available space! Hanging plants from the ceiling is a creative, yet simple, way to bring nature into a home and means that houseplant enthusiasts can take their greenery collections to new heights.
Sustainable plant pot innovator elho’s new b.for swing pots have been creatively designed to provide endless opportunities to get creative with planting.
The new range of elegant, suspended pots allow houseplants to brighten up any room without taking up any surface space. From a busy house with no garden, to a small city apartment, elho’s b. for swing hanging pots are a fun and stylish addition to any home.
The cords come in two lengths and are both adjustable, meaning unique dimensions can be added to a room by hanging the pots at differing lengths. Try suspending the pots above a balcony for another great way to optimise space and add a tasteful touch.
With a clever, easy-access waterspout design, it’s easy to keep plants hydrated and happy without having to take the plants down from their suspended position. For those hanging just out of reach, pair with an elho self-watering insert so the plant can effortlessly thrive!
A great sustainable choice, the b.for swing pots are made from recyclable plastic, created using wind energy, and are 100% recyclable.
Creating a vibrant vertical display with stackable pots or a grid system is a useful, well-known trick used in the garden to optimise a limited available area. Now, with elho’s hanging pots, everyone can make the most of the benefits of vertical gardening inside the home, as well as out.
To find out more about elho, its products and its commitment to sustainability, visit www.elho.com