GTN Bestsellers reveal the Top 100 Christmas products for 2018

History and Heraldry scooped the No 1 Christmas Bestsellers spot in the GTN Bestsellers Christmas Product chart for 2018, with last years winners Suki claiming both the No 2 and No 3 Bestsellers positions...
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Eco friendly? TMD has it in the bag
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Being environmentally friendly is big news these days. As extreme weather made headlines around the world the UK saw one of its hottest summer’s on record people everywhere are starting to take this Global Warming stuff seriously. In fact, the number of single-use plastic bags used by shoppers in England has plummeted by more than 85% after the introduction of the 5p charge...
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CSY’s EPOS helps In-Excess migrate from Wyevale
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CSY Retail Systems are very happy to announce that In-Excess’ four new garden centres are now using CSY Vector, the reliable and powerful EPOS system...
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Greenfingers plans for a Bumper 20th Anniversary Year

Greenfingers Charity started it's 20th Anniversary year at its AGM held last week. Over 50 supporters, Ambassadors, Trustees and staff heard of the plans for activities during 2019...
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Johnsons Lawn Seed on BBC news

Whilst many brands were wrapping up for the year, Johnsons Lawn Seed was stepping into the spotlight with a special feature on BBC news. The one-off report helped to not only highlight the Johnsons Lawn Seed brand, its world-class R&D facilities, and market-leading products, but also helped place the plight of UK lawns following this year’s extreme weather firmly at the fore...
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Charles Taylor launching new retail brochure at Glee at Spring Fair
With over 150 products Charles Taylor continue with their tremendous growth and expansion. Leading the industry with UK-made garden products Charles Taylor has invested heavily throughout the close season, ensuring stock is available all year round and more importantly when the retailer needs it...
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Daffodil Day to kick off Taylors Bulbs centenary
Taylors Bulbs are to hold a Daffodil Day in April in conjunction with the RHS as part of their centenary celebrations...

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