Inspired by what you have seen and heard at Glee? Then what better way to follow up than by attending Cultivating Retail – the new one day Conference and Dinner – for growers, retailers and suppliers. Organised by HTA and GIMA this ‘must attend’ event takes place on the 13 November at the East Midlands Conference Centre in Nottingham.
The action-packed programme, will be hosted by Channel 4 news presenter by Cathy Newman. Keynote speaker consumer and shopping behaviourist Ken Hughes (pictured) will be asking ‘Is your supply chain millennial ready?’
Managing Director of the newly expanded Blue Diamond Group, Alan Roper, will be sharing his thoughts on innovative and experiential retail.
The programme also features two panel sessions focussing on the issue of plastics in horticulture and also supply chain with industry representatives all having their say.
There will also be plenty of opportunity for delegates to join in both in the sessions and the wider networking opportunities around the conference and the dinner.
A great forum for inspiration, discussion and debate on the industry, in an accessible location with good transport networks, this event represents amazing value. So what are you waiting for!
For further information and to book your place now at www.hta.org.uk/cultivatingretail
With thanks to our Partners that include:
Gold Sponsor – Evergreen Garden Care UK
Partners – Corby & Fellas, Dura-ID Solutions, GLEE, Hozelock, Lechuza, MorePeople, Smart Garden Products, Swan Retail
Drinks Partner - Stihl Ltd