John Athwal, Managing Director of Premier Decorations has committed to spending a night sleeping rough in London’s iconic Paternoster Square, St Paul’s on Thursday 27th March to raise £10,000 for Action for Children.
Action for Children has been at the heart of child welfare in the UK for 145 years. Across 650 services in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, they support over 300,000 children, young people, carers and parents every year with safety, wellbeing and happiness at the forefront of all they do.
The ‘CEO Sleepout’ is specifically aimed to highlight the shocking truths that exist in the UK around youth homelessness and raise funds to aid Action for Children in their direct work keeping vulnerable young people off the streets and offering a path to a safe and secure future.
It is thought that approximately 100,000 young people were homeless in the UK last year, some as young as 13 years old. 1 in 7 will have experienced physical or sexual abuse. 1 in 3 will have attempted to take their life. Less than a third of these young people will not have even been reported missing from home.
John is sleeping out to raise awareness of these issues and to contribute to Action for Children projects like Derbyshire Shared Housing and Dorset Nightstop – safe, supported lodgings where staff aim to build confidence and self-worth preparing care leavers and young people who are otherwise homeless for independent, sustainable living and the opportunity to reach their aspirations.
If you can find it in your heart to sponsor John, please send a cheque made payable to Action for Children, or make a donation online at http://www.justgiving.com/JohnAthwal