Battery operated lights continue to power ahead and canvas prints come alive

The development of energy efficient LEDs has made it possible to power many Christmas light sets via standard “AA” or “AAA” batteries. The benefit of this being safe, hassle free lighting with no need for electrical sockets and the elimination of trailing power cables.
Premier’s battery operated range has experienced huge sales growth over the last few years helped by technical advances that have made them even more user friendly at Christmas. Much of Premier’s battery operated range include a pre-programmed 6 hrs on – 18 hrs off timer function that helps ensure the light will be usable for up to approximately 30 days on one set of batteries. The rise in popularity of battery operated products has also been driven by “All Year Round” use for many of these available items. More consumers are waking up to the fact that battery operated product can be used effectively as part of table centre displays at weddings, parties and other events being held throughout the Summer.

Premier’s range of battery operated Dancing Flame Candles is a perfect example of a product generating increased sales all year round. Extremely popular as a gift line, the candles are the closest you can currently get to a safe real flame and more new product will be introduced to this exciting range in 2015. Each year a new sales phenomenon comes to light,… this year, along with the Dancing Flame Candle products, a range of Premier lit canvas artwork has proven to be very successful. The range will expanded yet again in 2015 with more exciting new artists contributing to what will be available.