After the success of last year's Christmas Customer vote we’ve formally added back in in-store voting on paper voting slips to allow even more customers to share their appreciation of the magical Christmas retailing experiences that are created by garden centres across the UK.
To join in all you have to do is download the poster and voting forms artwork using this dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/t5s9zttkagu53jn06c90j/AAxUet5HFIAZOSLQxBzztdY?rlkey=c20kg3edpvc9g99dc7jrk3jrp&dl=0
Or download by clicking on the images below

Your customers can then vote on-line by scanning the QR code on the posters or by completing a voting slip and posting it in a voting box in-store that you will collect and send to the GTN Offices as the voting closes on Sunday 22nd December 2024.
Direct Voting link: https://tgcmc.newsweaver.co.uk/GTN/5acq9vfvy60
Of course you can also include the voting link and QR Code in your social media and website.
As last year we will have regional winners in the customer vote as well as an overall customer voting winner. Last year’s overall winner was the team at Busy Bee on the Isle of Wight.
It’s as simple as that. Voting is open now and will remain open until 4:00pm on December 22nd.
Voting is free, but we are partnering with The Greenfingers Charity so that voters can, if they wish, make a Christmas donation to help build more magical gardens in Children's Hospices across the country.