Chelsea industry garden designs revealed
The designs for The Sun Flower Square, the industry garden led by Peter Seabrook have been unveiled.
The floral exhibit in the Grand Pavilion features four model garden displays, each 4m x 4m square, the same size as the average front garden in Britain and based on the successful gardening campaign ‘Love the Plot You’ve Got’. At the time of writing, 70 different companies are contributing to what will be the first cross industry exhibit at RHS Chelsea Flower Show.
Room Outside
Lovania have designed a stunning outdoor space which brings the ‘Room Outside’. The central feature in the garden is a dining table with an alpine centre piece complete with place settings consisting of garden trowels and forks for cutlery.
 The Children’s Corner of the garden will consist of brightly coloured planted blocks, fairy gardens and a water feature. The garden will also feature a green roof planted with alpines and trailing plants, a Living Wall using heuchera and herbaceous plants and some planted pallet furniture. Members of the Horticultural Trades Association contributing to this garden include Nursery Fresh, Ball Colegrave, Butters Group, Allensmore Nurseries, Skylark Nurseries, Seiont Nurseries, Wyevale Nurseries and Cramden Nurseries amongst others. There will also be a large number of new plants introduced on this garden especially for the show.
Golden Jubilee Hanging Basket Garden
Members of the Garden Centre Association, who are celebrating their Golden Jubilee this year, will present a hanging garden with a massed display of hanging baskets hanging from pergolas above ground filling patio pots holding some of the baskets. The effect will be to fill the cube of space with colour, achieved by featuring popular summer bedding flowers and foliage available to home owners in May.
 Garden centres that are contributing include Squire’s, Coolings, Perrywood, Cowell’s, Van Hage, Gordale, Old Railway Line, Sunshine, Ruxley Manor, Millbrook, Brookhouse (Barton Grange), Alton, Thurrock, Wembley, Aylett’s and Meadow Croft. Pots are kindly being provided by Apta and some baskets being donated by Desch Plantpak Ltd.
The Seed Garden
Major seed brands come together to present a living catalogue of the flowers, fruits and vegetables they offer as both seeds and young plants. All the plant material will be container grown and will be shown in a front garden setting so visitors can see how simple it is to brighten up an outdoor urban space.
 Brands that have signed up to display include Dobies, DT Brown, E. W, King, Johnsons, Marshalls, Mr Fothergill’s, Robinsons, Suttons, Thompson & Morgan, Unwins, Van Meuwen Woolmans,
A number of 2016 Novelties are being grown including the Bidens Bee Dance, Buddleija Buzz, Marigold ‘Strawberry Blonde’, Petunia ‘Tumbelina Anna’, Raspberry ‘Ruby Beauty’, Runner Bean 'Firestorm', Sweet Pea "Eleanore Udall"and Tomato Montello.
The Rising Stars Grow your Own Exhibit
Supported by Westland Horticulture and their Rising Stars scheme, home grown is the theme of this garden. Assisted by schools and colleges, this garden will demonstrate the wide range of crops which can be produced where there is no available soil. Plants will be grown on the backing wall in hanging baskets, satchels, school desks and patio pots.
 The focal point for the garden will be an InstaPlant Living Wall to commemorate the Queen’s 90th Birthday, a ruler inspired footpath and a colouring pencil fence.
Writtle College will be showcasing their new Osteospermum ‘Little Writtle’ whilst Thompson & Morgan are delivering plantlets of Gerbera Sweet Series (from Florist) and Tree lily bulbs for schools to grow.
Pinetops Nurseries are working with school children to grow their new face up, bicolored Asiatic lily and Hills Nurseries are doing the same with Chrysanthemum Princess Charlotte.