FlowerTrials: Key event of the year for pot and bedding plants
Less than one week to go until doors open on 11th June and visitors from 70 countries have already registered to attend the 20th anniversary edition of FlowerTrials, the premier event of the year in Pot and Bedding Plant Breeding.
Meanwhile, social media channels are buzzing with images and videos of new plant varieties as exhibitors are gearing up final production for their new plant displays. The opportunity to bring across a full range of novelties as well as a wide overview of catalogue items is the main reason that many breeding companies are now choosing FlowerTrials® to be their main show event of the year.
Arthur Kramer of Schreurs Holland B.V. joining the group of 59 FlowerTrials® exhibitors for the first time this year: “We know that FlowerTrials is a key event at which to exhibit. We are already excited at the registrations coming in and look forward to meeting our customers.”
FlowerTrials welcomes two new members in 2024. Schreurs, a Dutch breeder who was traditionally active in cut gerberas and roses will show its new breeding in outdoor gerbera “Sunshapers”, meeting the growing demand for outdoor plants. Meanwhile Kolster, location host last year, has now joined FlowerTrials® to show its own breeding in garden plants, including hydrangeas and the Magical Garden assortment. Both companies will exhibit in the Middle Region.
In a change of location, Schneider Youngplants will exhibit at Schneider Westland in ‘s Gravenzande, while HiBreeding can be found this year at KP Holland.
FlowerTrials® facilitates the opportunity to view more companies during a visit by clustering its exhibitors in small groups at one location. This year the 59 breeders will show their assortment at 30 locations, a steady number which has been maintained over the past 10 years.