HTA Members' Hub ready to answer burning questions
Over the two days of the show a selection of HTA staff, Council Representatives and Advice Line Providers will be on the HTA Members' Hub ready to answer burning questions on subjects ranging from regional issues and policy activity to market research and renewable! Tuesday 24 June 10am Alan Standring from Greenline Plants (Council Representative for West Midlands) 11am John Adlam, Dove Associates (Nursery Stock Advice Line) 12pm Neil Grant , Ferndale Garden Centre (Council Representative for Yorkshire)
1pm David Denny, HTA Market Information Manager (for all market research questions)
2pm Gavin Cooper, Orchard Park Garden Centre (Council Representative for West of England)
3pm Donna Hanlon, HTA Business Development Manager (for all questions on BOPP and APL) Wednesday 25 June 10am Raoul Curtis-Machin, HTA Head of Horticulture (for all questions on policy and specialist groups)
11am Anil Champaneri and Sue Barker, Alcumus (HR and Health and Safety Advice Line)
12pm Tony Budd, EcoVision (for any questions on renewable energy - HTA CRoP partner)
1pm Alan Goold, Henry Street Garden Centre (Council Representative for the Thames & Chilterns Area)
2pm Helen Cranstone, Membership Services Manager, HTA (for all questions on membership)