New HTA event launch alongside National Plant Show
With supporting UK Horticulture at the heart of everything the HTA does, listening to our members and the industry is key, and the HTA is continuously staying in touch with its members to identify and deal with key garden issues and opportunities.
Seven years ago the HTA launched the National Plant Show at Stoneleigh Park, Coventry to support our Growers and give them the right show at the right time of the year for them to do business. The event is now a staple date in the horticultural calendar and to enhance this offering and give a platform to even more of the industry the HTA will be introducing the co-located HTA Nursery Supply Show.
Running as a separate exhibition in hall 3 at Stoneleigh alongside the HTA National Plant Show on the 20th and 21st June 2017 the HTA Nursery Supply Show will give even more to our visitors by both enabling them to buy plants but to also look at the critical elements that support plant sales, nursery retail and garden centres.
Along with the National Plant Show this enhancement aims to be the number one show in UK for plants and nursery suppliers. The premier buying event for Garden Retailers, Retail Nurseries and Growers.
The exhibition will follow the back to basics formula of the National Plant Show to allow the product to do the talking with the same low cost stand options for exhibitors to ensure the event is affordable for all.
Visitors can expect to see a range of suppliers from labelling and product information companies, substrate and growing media through to display benching, potting machinery and everything in between.
More details on the free to attend event will come with the official launch in January 2017 when booking for exhibitors will open.
Commenting on the new show, HTA President Adam Wigglesworth from Aylett Nurseries said: “I am delighted that with the new event, alongside the National Plant Show, there will be an opportunity for visitors to see suppliers with products that help us sell more plants. I hope that the efficiency of having this event next door will make our visitors’ days even more productive and worthwhile and be an exciting addition to a landmark event.”
Geoff Caesar from The Bransford Webbs Plant Company said: “As an exhibitor at the National Plant Show since the very beginning we believe this exciting new development will provide even more reasons for both growers and retailers to visit the show. The new Nursery Supply Show will provide numerous opportunities to support the production and sale of plants in the UK and help build the strength of the British nursery and garden centre industry.”
Neil Gray from Melcourt said: “The Nursery Supply Show running alongside the National Plant show offers a real opportunity to showcase UK horticulture through the supply chain of plants. We are looking forward to the opportunity to speaking to our existing customers and potential new customer about Melcourt products that serve both the retail and professional markets.”
For more details contact the events team at