Webbs customers ready for more puppy love

Customers at Webbs Garden Centres show so much love for Guide Dogs that they’ve raised enough money to name and help raise a new puppy for the charity. During the last year generous customers have donated over £5,000 giving them the opportunity to name a puppy and sponsor it for the first year of its life. This will be the third Webbs puppy, following on from Webster and Wooster which have gone on to change the lives of blind and partially sighted people. Webbs has launched a competition to name the new puppy with suggestions being invited up until Saturday, 30th April. The winner and their family will be given a free guided tour of the Guide Dogs national breeding centre in Leamington Spa plus £50 worth of Webbs vouchers. Webbs Chairman Ed Webb said, “It’s fantastic that, once again, the generosity of our customers will significantly improve the quality of life of a blind or partially sighted person and we can now become part of their life-changing story.” He added, “The Guide Dogs charity is a cause very close to the hearts of our customers who have entered previous name a puppy competitions in their hundreds and who enjoy following the dogs’ progress. We are all looking forward to welcoming the new puppy as soon as it’s old enough to be out and about.” Alison Waterer said, “On behalf of Guide Dogs, I would personally like to thank all the staff and customers of Webbs, for once again raising funds to name their 3rd Guide Dog Puppy and therefore change a life – what a truly fantastic achievement.” She added, “Naming a puppy is a fantastic way for people and organisations to make a difference to the lives of people who are blind or partially sighted. A total of 863 new guide dog partnerships were created last year and we have helped more people than ever before. It’s only through support such as this from Webbs that we’re able to maintain our lifelong commitment to blind and partially sighted people in the community as the guide dog service relies purely on voluntary income.” The puppy will be cared for by a volunteer Puppy Walker who will bring the puppy for visits to the Wychbold store. Entry forms can be collected in store at Webbs, Wychbold and Webbs, West Hagley. Entries can also be made via the Webbs Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/webbsgardencentres/