The general health of children could be greatly improved with increased exposure to nature, scientific studies have found. Due to modern indoor-based, ultra-clean living children’s immune systems aren’t as robust or strong as they are when exposed to natural bacteria while exploring the outdoors and playing with animals.
Wildlife World aims to encourage children back into nature with a range of innovative wildlife products suitable for school and at home that are both educational and easy to use.
Combining nature expertise and over 15 years of experience designing and manufacturing sustainably sourced wildlife products, Wildlife World hopes to re-ignite children’s fascination with the natural world to increase their understanding of its importance with improved children’s health being one of many secondary benefits.
There has been a notable increase in the number of children suffering with autoimmune diseases such as asthma and hay fever. It is widely believed that the cause of this is over-cleaning and under exposure to dirt and natural bacteria early on in life leading to allergies developing as the immune system hasn’t learnt how to control everyday invaders such as dust and pollen.
By encouraging children to engage with nature at an early age they are exposed to natural bacteria that will help develop their immunity to everyday pathogens, in turn reducing their chances of developing allergies. It also helps to strike the right balance between ‘screen time’ and outdoor exercise.
Wildlife World has developed an innovative educational range that is suited for classroom based teaching as well as taking the classes outside to interact with insects and animals and learn about the habitats and their importance in maintaining a healthy ecosystem. The Pyramid Insect Hotel is a large wooden structure standing 1.2 metres tall that includes a series of habitats that attract and harbour a variety of mini beasts and beneficial insects.
The design cleverly incorporates an integrated solar lamp that attracts moths, as well as professional cardboard nesting and viewing tubes, allowing for easy bee management, and removable inspection cassettes to monitor overwintering butterflies, moths and insect cocoons.
Other products in the Wildlife World educational range include Trail Packs that focus on engaging youngsters to explore nature in a variety of ways.
The Trail Packs are available in various stages: ecology, hands-on learning, study/learning & ultimate, providing an outdoor wildlife experience for all ages and levels of learning.
The packs contain nesting habitats and feeders for beneficial insects, bees, butterflies, birds and small mammals with packets of wildflower seeds to ensure an attractive wildlife friendly environment is produced.
The various feeders and nesters, which include hedgehog homes, bird feeder stations, interactive bee nesters, can be scattered around the outdoor area and using the extensive range of guides from Wildlife World, children can follow the trail and learn about the ecosystem first hand. The more advanced packs include wildlife cameras systems that allow nature to be studied undisturbed and provide another dimension to the children’s learning and understanding of wildlife.
Wildlife World also has a range of box sets that are suitable for using at home. The Minibugs sets are small functioning habitats specifically designed for children to use and are available in four different sets for bugs, bees, butterflies and ladybirds.
Each set is supplied with an activity book that children can follow as their chosen habitats are established.
The nature specialists also supply a Birdy Bites kit that allows kids to create cakes and feed shapes out of a ‘no-cook’ recipe to encourage birds into their gardens.
Further information is available from Wildlife World on 01666 505333, by emailing james@wildlifeworld.co.uk or by visiting the company’s website at www.wildlifeworld.co.uk