Garden centres and nurseries can now print their own bed cards using a web-based bed card service run by Joy of Plants.
More than 9,200 UK plants (photos and full text) are featured on the database, including ornamentals, trees, shrubs, herbs, climbers, aquatics, fruits, ferns, wildflowers, orchids, palms, cacti, hedging and houseplants. Bed cards can be printed and laminated, or printed on polyester sheets, and are available in A5 and A4 sizes which both fit Green Magic bed card holders.
Users already signed up include Longacres, Garsons, Van Hage, Pennells, Raglan and Arboretum.
Ben Thompson, director of Garsons in Surrey said: “We were searching for a solution to our planteria and house plant department bed cards, preferably one that would suit our own point of sale templates. As we were already working with the team at Joy of Plants, using their Plant Finder web plug-in and app, we were delighted they mentioned bed cards were to become available. The system is now live, and crucially it is very simple to use. In the first few weeks we have produced over 750 A5 plant information cards – and new plants are being added all the time. I would highly recommend this package to other garden centres and nurseries.”
The bed cards complement other Joy of Plants plant information services, enabling consistency across in-store, website and smartphone usage.
James Pennell of Pennells garden centres in Lincoln and Cleethorpes said: “The Joy of Plants bed cards are great. We opted for the default layout which features our logo prominently, good quality photos of the plants and simple and clear breakdowns of the important information customers look for, such as height and spread. The tool is really simple to use and we had little issue using our existing hardware for printing bed cards.”

Lauren Webb, deputy manager at Brunswick Organic Nursery in York (a small registered charity that offers purposeful work and training to people with learning disabilities, see left) said: “As a small charity, we have wanted for a long time to improve the information for our customers and the bed card tool has finally helped us to do this. We wanted a system that was easy to use, quick and most importantly, provided our customers with clear, accurate and useful information about the plants that we sell. The bed card tool does all these things for us and it has been a delight for us to see the printed cards starting to go up around our nursery.”
Contacts: Terri Jones (MD) 07717 532323 Email:
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