Like the first cuckoo, the annual ClassifloraZelari will soon be heralding the arrival of spring, bringing a touch of Tuscany to this quiet corner of Waltham Abbey. As ever, an unrivalled selection of specimen trees, hardy outdoor shrubs, trees and plants will be turning the heads of buyers representing landscaping and development, garden centres, nurseries and garden designers. With more stock than ever under cover and an abundance of special deals, this is one not to miss.
This year, Classiflora tells us, it’s the plants that will be doing the talking – and it seems they've got plenty to talk about...
“You’re going to love our shelfies!”
Classiflora’s unbeatable quality and fantastic value coupled with complete flexibility. 180 different shelf deals and trolley combinations allow buyers to pick and mix the stock that will delight and inspire their customers; a cost-effective solution that cuts out waste and lets buyers choose from a range of themes and impulse colour lines.
“We’ve come from all over Europe to meet you!”
Kick-start the season with over 1,700 hand-sourced new and exciting lines drawn from across Europe – including for the first time varieties from France: Campsis, Syringa, Cornus, magnolias, Vitis and an abundance of fruit trees. Many of the lines can be retailed at £59.99 or less.
“Our bespoke labels are going to really add value!”
An attractive, well-designed label can lift a plant's value, and Classiflora will personalise labels with your own business name. Product-specific with full colour images, these labels really do lend a touch of class.
“We can help you cut out that boring admin!”
Classiflora's online ordering app has been designed to streamline the order process and cut out time-consuming admin. The result is a fast, efficient service that makes it easy to pick and mix quantities, change your order as you go and keep an eye on costs.

“Our hotspot deals are unmissable!”
A vastly expanded Zelari sample house for direct shipment orders provides twice the amount of stock under cover - so no chance of missing anything if the weather's not quite Tuscan! Heavily discounted 'hotspot' deals will be scattered throughout nursery, so plenty of opportunity to pick up a bargain or two. Additional discounts will be available across the two days.

“You're very welcome!”
The ClassifloraZelari hospitality is every bit as warm as the company's Italian heritage and visitors will be encouraged to indulge in a little down-time by meeting up with old friends and doing a bit of networking while enjoying a delicious Italian lunch with wine and a selection of Bowman's ales.
Alongside Classiflora's friendly and knowledgeable staff, visiting exhibitors will include HSK tree ferns, Planterworld, Europlanters, Town & Country, and for the first time, County garden tools and Apta Pots.
Andrew Dayes, marketing manager at the business, promises it to be a fantastic couple of days. He said: “I think our visitors are going to be bowled over by our stock, number of offers and fresh innovations. We’re looking forward to meeting friends old and new and giving them something to smile about. They don’t have to take my word for it - our plants will be doing all the talking!”
To more information and to register for the open days visit www.classiflora.com or call 08700 600 420. The event will be supporting horticulture’s favourite charity, the Greenfingers Appeal, raising money to create inspiring gardens for children’s hospices across the UK.

Benito Castiglioni, 1939 - 2015
Benito's passing has shocked us all and he will be greatly missed by old friends at the open days, as it is by his family and colleagues at the nursery.
With over 40 years in the business, he was the guiding hand that took Classiflora from humble beginnings, eventually moving the business to the present 7-acre site that provides work for 25 dedicated and experienced professionals.
Benito took a genuine hands-on approach to the business, always ensuring the products and service that Classiflora provides are of the highest standard. His love of plants and horticulture was undiminished by the years, and the countless awards Benito received at shows through the decades bear testament to that.