LOFA is raising awareness of fire safety standards/regulations for garden furniture cushions in its 'LOFAssured' campaign, and already 17 members are certified. with a further 21 in progress..
Certified members are:
A Mir & Co - www.a-mir.co.uk
Culcita - www.culcita.ie
Daro – www.daro-cane.co.uk
Desser - www.desser.co.uk
Europa Leisure – www.europaleisure.co.uk
Extreme Lounging- www.extremelounging.com
Firmans - firmansdirect.com
Glencrest Seatex – www.glencrestseatex.co.uk
Glendale Garden and Leisure – www.glendale-leisure.com
Hampson Agencies – www.jati-kebon.com
Hartman UK - www.hartmanuk.com
Kettler (GB) Limited – www.kettler.co.uk
Lifestyle Garden - www.lifestylegarden.com
Maze Rattan -www.mazerattan.com
Munro Importers -pagodafurniture.co.uk
Norfolk Leisure Lifestyle Limited – www.norfolkleisure.com
Quest – www.questleisure.com
One of the conditions of LOFA membership is that members must adhere to a code of conduct, part of which is compliance with all current legislation; it is this culture of propriety that the retailer and customer buy into when they source product from LOFA members.
LOFAssured is a distinguishing factor setting LOFA products apart from other non-compliant suppliers. LOFA appointed FIRA (Furniture Industry Research Association) and entered into a Primary Authority Partnership with HertfordshireTrading Standards to aid the members in their quest for full compliance.
For further information on the Leisure and Outdoor Furniture Association, call 02392 258844 or visit www.lofa.co.uk and www.lofassured.co.uk.