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Introducing the Henchman Topiary Awards 

Calling all budding home gardeners and topiary artists! Henchman, the leading garden ladder expert, is on the lookout for Britain's best topiary artists to enter its inaugural Topiary Awards.

The awards have been designed to celebrate the art of topiary and recognise those who demonstrate exceptional skill, creativity, and passion in shaping and maintaining incredible living sculptures.

Henchman is launching the awards as part of their 30th anniversary celebrations, to acknowledge the art of topiary and inspire a new generation of topiary artists and gardeners.

Topiary Award Categories

With two categories announced, individuals of all backgrounds and skill levels are encouraged to enter their favourite pieces of work.

Best Home Garden Topiary
For hobby gardeners to showcase their home creations
Best Professional Garden Topiary
For professionals who are paid to create and maintain topiary


Each topiary piece entered will be judged against skill, creativity and attention to detail.

Prize bundle

The winners will then be announced at this year’s RHS Hampton Court Flower Festival, where they will receive a trophy and a high-value prize bundle of Henchman and EBTS products including:

The winner in each category will receive:

How to enter

Launching on 20th March 2024 to mark the first day of a new spring season. Entry form will be live here.

To enter, simply submit photographs and a summary of your best piece of topiary before the closing date, 31st May 2024.

Meet the judging panel 

An esteemed panel of topiary experts and horticulturalists, including: Elizabeth Hilliard - Editor of European Boxwood and Topiary Society (EBTS) TOPIARIUS magazine, Michael Buck - Head of Horticulture at Creepers Nursery and Andy Bourke professional topiarist and better known as The Hedge Barber, and Owen Simpson - Managing Director at Henchman, will evaluate each submission based on creativity, craftsmanship, and overall impact.

Elizabeth Hilliard Andy Bourke Michael Buck Owen Simpson

Editor of European Boxwood and Topiary Society TOPIARIUS magazine

The Hedge Barber 
Professional Topiarist and Online Influencer
Head of Horticulture at Creepers Nursery Managing Director at Henchman

Andy has worked in horticulture for over 10 years and is a professional hedge cutter and topiary artist. Using traditional hand cutting methods, Andy has worked on small intricate topiary designs as well as larger, organic shapes.

Andy is better known online at The Hedge Barber – creating aesthetically pleasing videos of his topiary creations.

Michael started in horticulture while trying to forge a career in football, 17 years ago, which saw him experience different sectors within the industry.

For the past 10 years, Michael has spent his time working on many exciting nursery and garden projects across the UK and Europe, and has since become the Head of Horticulture at Creepers Nursery.

Having worked at Henchman for many years, Owen is no stranger to hedge cutting, topiary and working safely at heights.

Being a keen gardener himself, he is excited to be involved in celebrating topiary artists across the country and to see what masterpieces are hiding in people's gardens.