Boyd goes 240 miles for Garden Re-Leaf

Boyd Douglas-Davies, the brains behind Garden Re-Leaf, powers his way through 240 miles to raise money for Greenfingers on Garden Re-Leaf Day.
"Well it seemed like a good idea at the time - run, row or ride between the garden centres on Garden Re-Leaf Day. We could do it on the Kettler gym equipment we're selling at Studley. Of course, we only had two centres in the group when I said this so it was just a 50 mile adventure," said the Hillview Group boss.
"But since then we've been busy and we now have eight centres in the group so the distance has grown hugely and it's now a 240-mile journey."
Staff members agreed to help Boyd's task but to make the task even harder, he agreed to spend the full six hours of the challenge on the gym equipment if £1,000 was donated before the start. Surprise, surprise, it was, and Boyd's marathon began.
Halfway through the challenge Boyd announced: "Don't expect me to loading many bags of compost in to cars on Saturday."
After 5 hours 38 minutes and 240 miles the challenge was completed! An exhausted Boyd said "huge thanks to all of the Hillview GC team that kept me company throughout and to Sarah and Pat from Alexander Rose that came to do a half hour stint at the beginning but stayed with us all the way!" The team have raised over £1,600 for the Greenfingers Charity so far and are still counting.
If you want to donate and help us get to the target of £2,400 then you can still donate to Boyd's marathon attempt. Visit
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