Garden Re-Leaf Day activities have got off to a great start with 24 hour Plantathons starting at Squires Bashot Lea (above), Hillview Studley Garden Store (below) and Alton Garden Centre in Essex (bottom).

Squire’s Garden Centres have kicked off at 2pm with the help of Badshot Lea Village Infant School. The squire’s team led by MD Dennis Espleywill be planting day and night in order to raise money for Greenfingers.
Customers can come along to Squire’s Badshot Lea (Thu 17th March 2-6pm) or Squire’s Twickenham (Fri 18th March 9am-2pm) to watch the Plant-athon, get hints and tips, ask gardening questions, and even roll up their sleeves and get involved in the planting!
Specially planted up Spring pots from the Plant-athon will be sold, and 20% from each sale will be given to Greenfingers, to raise money for this fantastic charity.
Squire’s Managing Director Dennis Espley is leading the Plant-athon, and he will be planting day and night! Some very special guests will be joining him:
- Andy McIndoe (Squire’s Twickenham – Fri 18th March, 9.30am-12.30pm). Andy McIndoe is one of the UK’s leading horticulturists, with a record 25 Gold Medals at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show.
- Andrew Gill (Squire’s Twickenham – Fri 18th March, 12pm-2.30pm). Andrew Gill is President of the Chartered Institute of Horticulture.
The Squires fundraising link is: https://www.justgiving.com/squires-24-hour-plant-athon
At Hillview Studley Garden Store, Garden Re-Leaf Day founder, Boyd Douglas-Davies had help and support from David Domeney as his 24 hour endurance effort got underway. "We've already raised over £2,000," Boyd told GTN Xtra as he made final arrangements before his start at 4:00pm. "I'm really looking forward to seeing just how much the plantathons will raise. They will certainly raise the profile of Garden Re-Leaf Day!"
Boyd's 24hour Plant-Athon page is: https://www.justgiving.com/Boyd-Douglas-Davies/
Down at Alton Garden Centre in Essex, Andy Bunker tweeted "Plants- check.. Pots check..coffee- check..." in the middle of last night as he readied himself for the off.
"Well as they say! I think COMMETH THE HOUR COMMETH THE MAN" he said this morning. "It all starts today at 4pm my 24 hour Plantathon to raise money for Greenfingers Garden Re-Leaf Day
"I’m not begging [well I am].
"Please donate to the “sponsor me” link: https://www.justgiving.com/pete-lowis/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=fundraisingpage&utm_content=pete-lowis&utm_campaign=pfp-share,
" Here's three good reasons why you should do it:
1 It's a great childrens charity.
2 It's going to be flipping cold at 3 in the morning!
3 I've got Man Flu but I'm still going ahead."