In This Issue
It's raining reindeer...
Nicholas Marshall: what next?
Gouldings voted Scotland's Best Garden Centre
Have your say on the future of Glee
Scottish brand WoodBlocX gets thumbs up from Dragons’ Den
Dog treat firm also wins investment on same TV show
Dragons' Den snub doesn't stop Wheelbarrow Booster
Looking good for year end
New products are key to Christmas sales
Eastfield Garden Centre goes 'green'
Orchids prove to be bestsellers
Bents create new general manager post
TV campaign pays off for Bob Martin
New boss at Haskins’ Ferndown Garden Centre
Gardeners are potting on
Hozelock Group bought by French company
GTN Bestsellers Chart Update
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31546 Garden Re-Leaf#2ECB0C


It's raining reindeer...
Reindeer 2
Oh deer…it’s raining reindeer at garden centres across the UK this year, leaving poor old Santa on the horns of a dilemma...

Reindeer 2

Oh deer…it’s raining reindeer at garden centres across the UK this year, leaving poor old Santa on the horns of a dilemma.

In fact, Santa could end up with a face redder than Rudolf’s nose if the reindeer don't make it back to base in time for the annual Christmas Eve global tour.

Here at GTN Extra, we reckon Santa’s operations director is in for a right old sleigh-ting afer allowing so many members of the reindeer out into garden centres in the festive run-up. And how Santa himself is going to cope with more ports of call than you can shake a sleigh-whip at is anybody’s guess. But there again, Santa’s just brilliant at turning up in several places at once, so we shouldn’t be in the least surprised.

Just take a look at this (by no means comprehensive) list of centres on the reindeer route for grotto openings and Santa’s arrival.

Armitages (straight from the Cairngorms on 17 Nov)

Baytree (to be fair, they have a herd of their own – a kind of Santa satellite)

Downtown (Rocket the Reindeer. You know…one of the new ones)

Eastfield (eat your Christmas dinner in the presence of Reindeer)

Henry Street (they’ve got Prancer and Dancer…..oooooooew!)

Knights Chelsham and Woldingham (with huskies, too)

Millbrook, whose ant(ler)tics include a ‘name the reindeer’ competition.

Poplars (reindeers from the Berkshire depot)

Scotsdales (arriving with Santa)

Stratford (“Thisaway, not Hathaway”)

Trebaron Sefton Meadows and Newton le Willows

Whitehall Lacock (Starlight and Moonbeam) and Whitchurch (Twinkle and Sparkle)

Woodcote Green

Six centres in the Garden & Leisure Group

The Gardens Group at Sherborne, Brimsmore and Poundbury (Rudolph, Cupid and Snowflake).

Reindeer 1 lo-res
Santa has no shortage of ‘agents’ these days so his reindeer are not hard to book. They include the Cairngorm Reindeers (Britain’s only wild herd) and Animal Enterprises. Jackie Rowberry of, who run a herd of six reindeer and supply Poplars, says competition in reindeer land is driving down prices  – but fewer garden centres have booked this year.

Perhaps Santa’s doing a bit of direct business on the side…naughty, naughty. He’ll get the Sack if he’s not careful. That'd take the shine off Rud......oh, enough already.

Nicholas Marshall at the 2011 opening of the David Austin Roses Centre at Syon Park.
Nicholas Marshall at the 2011 opening of the David Austin Roses Centre at Syon Park.
Nicholas Marshall: what next?
Nicholas Marshall, who left The Garden Centre Group on 8 October after the decision by new owners Terra Firma to replace him, may not be ready to sever connections with the garden centre industry, speculators suggest...

Nicholas Marshall, who left The Garden Centre Group on 8 October after the decision by new owners Terra Firma to replace him, is no stranger to speculation.

Having rescued the former Wyevale group from the brink of calamity after the Tom Hunter years and injected fresh life into its garden centres, Marshall now finds himself with no business to manage for the first time in more than 25 years. His own Country Homes & Garden outlets were absorbed by Terra Firma late this summer.

But what will he choose to do next? Speculation by those close to him suggests he is not ready to sever his connections with garden retailing and that we can expect to see a venture from him sooner or later. GTN Xtra tried to make contact with him to find out what shape it might take, but he was unavailable to take our call as this issue neared deadline.

In the meantime, The Garden Centre Group, which is now under the control of its new non-executive chairman Stephen Murphy, has briefed headhunters to search for a new CEO. Terra Firma are reported to be looking to radically transform the group, with revenue growth a priority, followed by acquisition of more centres and groups.

The appointment of Murphy, who was Richard Branson’s successor as group CE at Virgin, sends a strong signal to the trade about Terra Firma’s confidence in the potential of garden retailing and their own ability to further develop the chain in an increasingly-competitive sector.

Terra Firma would prefer their new CEO to have a background in running a large retail operation but are not ruling out a non-retailer.

One thing is certain. Until the new management team is in place, speculation about the possibility of further re-structuring at The Garden Centre Group will continue apace.

Gouldings voted Scotland's Best Garden Centre

Clydesdale-based Gouldings Garden Centre has picked up the prestigious Scotland's Best Garden Centre award...


Clydesdale-based Garden Centre has picked up the prestigious Scotland's Best Garden Centre award.

“I'm as proud as punch that we've been named Scotland's Best Garden Centre,” said owner George Goulding.

“I'm delighted that the high level of our service and the quality of our garden centre has been rewarded.” 

Representatives from 20 of Scotland's top garden centres shuffled anxiously in their seats at the awards dinner in Inverness, waiting for the national champion to be announced.

And it was Gouldings, based at Dalpatrick Farm in Rosebank, which was read out as the overall winner.

For more information visit

Pictured: George and Marie Goulding (left ) receive the trophy from Colin Barrie, chairman of the Garden Centre Association, and Jimmy Goulding, of Dalpatrick Farm, Rosebank.

Have your say on the future of Glee
As the organisers of Glee confirm an attendance of 9,112 for this year’s show, GIMA are urging visitors and exhibitors to take part in their online survey to provide vital feedback that will help shape the event's future.

The organisers of Glee have confirmed an attendance, subject to audit, of 9,112 for this year’s show – a drop of 18 per cent over 2011.

Event director Nick Davison said a number of issues had impacted on visitor numbers during what he described as “a period of significant change and development”, including the withdrawal of Petindex. “However, the overall picture is still a positive one,” he said.

The show had delivered a garden retail audience of quality. “Our garden related visitor numbers were only down seven per cent year-on-year, which is particularly positive considering current market conditions and what was deemed by many as one of the worst years for garden retailing for quite some time, “ he added. “Also, when we put this data into context, Glee has actually performed ahead of current market trends. In the HTA October Market Update report for example, garden centre sales are quoted as being 10 per cent down year-on-year as the weather, consumer confidence and economic issues continue to impact.”

There had been many positive comments from exhibitors and the industry and the Glee team would be investing “a lot of our resources” to attract more buyers to the show in 2013 (NEC, 16-18 September).

Glee 2012 boasted 527 suppliers exhibited, including 201 new exhibitors and 34 returning companies.

Davison said the feedback collected during and after the show had shown that Glee was something that the industry “firmly wants and needs”. “Whilst we have our own ideas on how to do deliver this, the ongoing advice, feedback and support of the industry is also vital: we cannot build a show that works, without the input of those who use it.  We will therefore continue to engage with the industry as we plan for the 2013 show.”

As part of the process, GIMA are urging retail visitors and exhibitors to take part in their online survey. “This is not just about suppliers,” said GIMA difrector Neil Gow. “Retailer feedback is just as vital.” Participants will be entered in a prize draw to win a case of wine.

Gow said this year’s survey had been expanded to take in wider issues of trade shows in the UK, following the successful recent trade shows ‘summit’ attended by the industry’s leading trade organisations.

To enter, go to:
Scottish brand WoodBlocX gets thumbs up from Dragons’ Den

The manufacturers of a self-assembly system for creating raised beds and garden features has emerged successfully from the Dragons’ Den...


The manufacturers of a self-assembly system for creating raised beds and garden features has emerged successfully from the Dragons’ Den.

WoodBlocX, based in Dingwall, Ross-Shire, have won the backing of Dragon Peter Jones, who is investing £75,000 into the Scottish company to help it achieve its aim of becoming a national brand. In return he will get a 25% stake in the company.

“It is absolutely fantastic news,” says WoodBlocX’s Henry Blake.  “We are a family business and Peter’s support is fundamental in helping us take our product nationwide.”

Raised beds, seats, greenhouse bases, pond surrounds and even retaining walls and steps are simple to create using the WoodBlocX sustainably certified pine blocks with their recycled plastic dowels.

“The blocks are precision made ensuring that the finished items is a perfect fit with no need for heavy lifting, drilling or screwing,” adds Henry, who appeared on the show last Sunday.

Peter Jones stated: “I was really impressed with the WoodBlocX pitch and happy to be a partner in such an exciting and versatile product. With a bit of help and guidance from my team and I we can transform WoodBlocX into a household gardening brand."

The BlocX can be used for many different applications and, if you have three million BlocX and enough time and space, you could build a life sized model of ‘T’ Rex!  The company will even give you the detailed plans.

For more information visit

Dog treat firm also wins investment on same TV show
Billy + Margot, the iced treat for dogs, also emerged successfully from the Dragons' Den during the same episode televised last weekend...

Billy + Margot, the iced treat for dogs, also emerged successfully from the Dragons' Den during the same episode televised last weekend.

The Hampshire-based company secured a £60,000 investment from Dragon Deborah Meaden.

But the experience didn't start off too well for Marie Sawle, the woman behind the innovative new canine brand, as three male Dragons announced "I'm out!"

But Deborah and Hilary Devey were both impressed enough to make offers before Marie finally made her decision to go with the former.

"The impression you get watching Dragons' Den on TV contrasts dramatically with the frightening reality of walking down the stairs into a brightly-lit studio watched by umpteen camera crew and support staff and suddenly seeing five Dragons staring at you. I paused, glanced at Margot, my labrador, and thought: this is our big goes,” said Marie.

"It’s great to have someone like Deborah who has such massive business experience and who is able to channel this into succinct and constructive advice. 

"Now, whenever we meet, she always makes you feel that your business is the most important."

Having had her offer of £60k for a 40% stake in the business accepted Deborah said: "Marie received two offers…I am pleased to say she accepted mine. I think she sensed that we shared a view and a vision of the opportunity. 

"True to form, since I invested Marie has already developed a new product range of Venison treats with many more products underway."


Launched in March this year at Crufts, the iced treats are already proving a big hit. They were named 'Dog Product of the Year' at PATS Sandown, where the company signed up over 200 stockists. In the first four months of trading over 30,000 tubs were sold despite the worst weather in years.

Billy + Margot comes in three flavours, including Strawberry and Apple, which are all specially formulated to be nutritious and safe for dogs.

“Our much-loved labrador Billy gave me the inspiration to start the business,” said Marie. “He loved ice cream but as a nutritionist I realised the ingredients were potentially bad for his canine digestive system and decided to produce an iced treat for dogs with a special emphasis on health and nutrition.”

For more information visit


Dragons' Den snub doesn't stop Wheelbarrow Booster
The Wheelbarrow Booster, that left the Dragon's Den without investment earlier this year, has seen sales soar since the programme was aired on TV...

The makers of the Wheelbarrow Booster, who left the Dragon's Den without investment earlier this year, have seen sales of the product soar since the programme was aired on TV...

Father and son, Mike and Joe Smith, rejected a £50,000 offer for their wheelbarrow invention on the popular programme.

In one of the most heated exchanges seen on the show, the Dragons criticised the Smiths' attitude but it has ironically worked out in their favour, resulting in exposure in two national newspapers and mention on the Chris Evans' breakfast show on Radio 2.

As a result of all the publicity sales of the Wheelbarrow Booster, which increases the capacity of a normal barrow by up to 300%, taking off.

"The whole thing has been amazing," said Joe. "The exposure has attracted a lot of attention, and we're really happy how things are going."

For more information visit

Looking good for year end
Another week of sales up on last year and ahead of GTN Bestsellers Volume sales predictions...


Another week of sales up on last year and ahead of GTN Bestsellers Volume sales predictions, sets up the possibility of garden centre sales volumes reaching the year end up by almost 0.5%.

For sure, sales values will not reach that level as we missed key plant and high value furniture sales earlier in the year but it once again shows the resilience of UK garden centres and their ability to continually attract customers and sell products.

With Christmas displays open in most garden centres now and good early sales being reported the push is now on for major festive events to continue stimulating customer visits.

Santa and his reindeer have a busy schedule in November, arriving at centres all over the country and with ice rinks, circuses and special shopping evenings most garden centre retailers are doing their utmost to get back some of their early season losses.

Subscribe to GTN Bestsellers here

New products are key to Christmas sales
Sales of festive products are starting to increase as our Christmas Products Chart reveals – sales volumes have more than doubled in a week...

Sales of festive products are starting to increase as our Christmas Products Chart reveals – sales volumes have more than doubled in a week.

The biggest trend to report is that shoppers are being tempted by new items, with old favourites starting to see their popularity wane slightly.

The highest new entry in this week’s chart is the Gisela Graham Natural Cone Owl Tree Decoration (small), which has jumped into the Top 50 at an impressive No 8.

The Kaemingk Rose on Clip With Glitter (pictured below) is proving very popular, with five different versions in the chart, headed by new entry, Light Gold, at No 15.


Other notable new entries in the chart are: Premier Decorations Black Board Days to Xmas, 30cm, at No 19; Konstmide Reindeer, 23cm, battery operated, at No 22; Gisela Graham Wooden Hearts and Stars, at No 23.

The top three places remained unchanged with History & Heraldry taking the honours. Their Christmas Money Box is still No 1.


If you have a great Christmas display like Baytree (above) then let us now. All you have to do is email and attach an image.

See the full GTN Christmas Bestsellers Chart here.  Subscribers Only

To Subscribe to the full GTN Bestsellers Weekly Charts for only £120.00 per year click here

WARNING the GTN Bestsellers Charts can seriously improve your business.  Only subscribe if you want to invest 15 minutes each week in improving your turnover and customer satisfaction.

Eastfield Garden Centre goes 'green'

Eastfield Garden Centre in Bridlington have made a £600,000 investment to become one of the greenest garden centres in the UK...


Eastfield Garden Centre in Bridlington have made a £600,000 investment to become one of the greenest garden centres in the UK.

The company have become virtually carbon zero-rated after installing a biomass boiler and two wind turbines to meet their hot water, heating and electricity needs.

The biomass boiler is burning rape straw from an adjacent farm and has reduced Eastfield’s heating costs by about 75%. The garden centre previously used about 40,000 litres of oil a year to heat over 2,000 square metres of retail and office space at the centre.

Eastfield's Brian Stephenson said: “Instead of burning oil we are now using about 200 tonnes of rape straw a year. This is a waste product from the oil seed rape crop and would otherwise have been ploughed back into the land.

“Burning rape straw rather than oil is considered to be more environmentally friendly because it only releases the same amount of carbon dioxide that the straw absorbed in the first place, so biomass is counted as a low or zero net carbon fuel."

The wind turbines are producing an average of 350,000 kilowatts of electricity per year to meet the needs of the garden centre, with any over capacity being sold back to the grid. 

“When you take into account the electricity we sell back to the grid, produced from a renewable source, this makes us virtually zero carbon rated for electricity as well,” said Brian.

Pictured: Brian Stephenson of Eastfield Garden Centre is pictured with a rape straw bale ready to go into the new biomass boiler.

Orchids prove to be bestsellers
There's no doubting the subject of the bestselling items in the Garden Products Chart because everything ‘orchid’ is proving popular in garden centres...

There's no doubting the subject of the bestselling items in the Garden Products Chart because everything ‘orchid’ is proving popular in garden centres.

At the top there are no surprises as the Fito Drip Feeder continues to hold on to No 1 spot while Growth Technology Orchid Myst 100ml (below) clings on to third position for another week.

Growth Technology have seen increased demand for their Orchid Pot Clear with the 15cm version jumping 10 places to No 6, and the 12cm being the highest climber in the charts, moving up 24 places to No 7.

Other star orchid product performers for Growth Technology include: Orchid Focus Bloom Fertiliser 100ml and Orchid Focus Grow Fertiliser 100ml.

Orchid products represent 20% of all items in the Garden Products Chart Top 50. These include: Stewarts Clear Drip Saucer, 5-6 inch; Stewarts Clear Drip Saucer, 8-inch.

There is one new entry in the chart this week. It’s the Westland Autumn Lawn Feed & Moss Killer Bag, 500 sq m, proving that gardeners are still working hard on preparing their lawns in readiness for the winter months ahead.

There are also signs in the chart that the great garden clean-up is still continuing with Gardman Garden Rubbish Bags, pack of 10, moving up to No 4 and Gardman Rubbish Sacks have also re-entered the charts at No 50.

The continuing sales of gloves are further evidence that gardeners are preparing their plots for the winter.

See the full GTN Garden Products Bestsellers Chart here.  Subscribers Only

To Subscribe to the full GTN Bestsellers Weekly Charts for only £120.00 per year click here 

WARNING the GTN Bestsellers Charts can seriously improve your business.  Only subscribe if you want to invest 15 minutes each week in improving your turnover and customer satisfaction.

All Products

Every week GTN receives and analyses epos data from a number of UK garden centres to produce the GTN Bestsellers charts.

The full charts which provide useful insight into product sales peaks, new trends and new link sales opportunities are published in the weekly GTN Xtra printed newsletter and on the GTN website

Access is by subscription only.  For £120.00 per year you and your team can have access to the most upto date gardening sales analysis that has already helped many UK garden centres increase their sales.  To subscribe call 01733 775700, or subscribe on-line here


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Highlights of the GTN Garden Products Bestsellers chart for this week are here

Highlights of the GTN Growing Media Bestsellers chart for this week are here

Highlights of the GTN Christmas Bestsellers chart for this week are here

WARNING the GTN Bestsellers Charts can seriously improve your business.  Only subscribe if you want to invest 15 minutes each week in improving your turnover and customer satisfaction.

Bents create new general manager post
Bents are searching for a General Manager, whose appointment will free up MD Matthew Bent's time for more strategic planning...

As part of their £10m development programme, Bents Garden & Home have created the new role of General Manager.

The senior position coincides with a number of internal moves and vacancies as Bents aim to become the North West’s ultimate garden, home and leisure destination.  

With the first phase of construction work nearing completion and phase two not due to commence until 2013, the centre are using the next few months to focus on the strategic and efficient running of the business and strengthen their strong team.

The opening for the General Manager will help owner Matthew Bent progress his role as Managing Director to a more strategic level.

"Although my father Ron is no longer involved with the day-to-day running of the business he has continued to be very active at a strategic level," said Matthew.

"But as he focusses more on his retirement I will be looking to take on these areas of responsibility, working on the overall development of the business, which means we need a strong General Manager who can strengthen our team.

“We hope we can find someone who will embrace the vision we have for Bents and help ensure our core values continue to define the day-to-day running of the business."

Bents £10m development plan aims to create a larger contemporary retail space, with a two-storey high glazed atrium with escalators leading up to 3,800 sq m of retail, leisure and educational space.
TV campaign pays off for Bob Martin
An ambitious TV campaign has helped Bob Martin to see sales of its FleaClear products soar this year...


An ambitious TV campaign has helped Bob Martin to see sales of its FleaClear products soar this year.

The pet healthcare specialist launched FleaClear in March and has since seen sales of its Spot On products double in garden centres and pet retailers.

The marketing support for the FleaClear brand has been crucial in the product's success. In May Bob Martin returned to TV for the first time in 25 years with an advertising campaign promoting the  product launch, and there was an immediate and positive impact on sales.

This was followed in September by a six-figure sponsorship deal of ITV1's prime time show ‘For the Love of Dogs’, a fly on the wall documentary at Battersea Dogs Home, to support the second flea season and promote Bob Martin’s new product FleaClear.

The primetime show put Battersea Dogs and Cats Home centre stage, and was presented by pet lover Paul O'Grady. The show proved a massive hit with over five million viewers per episode. The show has also been nominated for a National Television Award in the Factual Entertainment category.

Bob Martin made a considerable investment in bringing FleaClear to market. The product's active ingredient fiprinol is the same active ingredient as market leader Frontline, but is available at a fraction of the price – as little as £4.50 for a single treatment. FleaClear is so accessible to pet owners as garden centres do not require a qualified member of staff to sell the product.

Savi Madan, Managing Director at Bob Martin, commented: "We are very pleased with the success of FleaClear. We have seen a change in consumer purchasing habits as the garden centre spot-on category has grown significantly and FleaClear has been driving this growth.”

New boss at Haskins’ Ferndown Garden Centre
Simon Morris has been appointed General Manager of Haskins’ Ferndown Garden Centre...


Simon Morris from Bournemouth, who has 27 years’ experience in retail, has been appointed General Manager of Haskins’ Ferndown Garden Centre.

Simon joined DIY chain B&Q in 1985 and worked within many of the company's stores as a Unit Manager. Recently he became Project Manager at the company’s head office based in Chandlers Ford.

Haskins’ Chief Executive Julian Winfield said that the company was delighted to welcome Simon to their management team.

“Simon’s broad experience will be well received by everyone involved in the business and will continue to enhance our focus on quality and service applied throughout all four of our centres,” added Julian.

The award-winning Haskins Garden Centre at Longham, Ferndown was the company’s first new-build centre. Since opening in 1994 the centre has continued to grow in popularity as a destination garden centre and now has an annual turnover of £10 million.

Gardeners are potting on
Taking cuttings and potting-on are keeping gardeners busy at the moment, as shown by many of the products in the Growing Media Chart...

Taking cuttings and potting-on are keeping gardeners busy at the moment, as shown by many of the products in the Growing Media Chart.

Some notable performances include the only new entry in the chart – Westland Potting Grit, which enters at No 45. Westland John Innes Repotting No 2, 30 litres, is at No 21 while Westland Indoor Plant, 10 litres, is in No 39 spot.

At the same time last year organic farm manure was top of the chart but it has dropped down to No 4 (Arthur Bowers Blended Farm Manure) and No 6 (Westland Organic Farm Manure). Does that suggest that gardeners have completed their digging tasks for the autumn? Or is there still an opportunity for a promotion on farm manure?

Although sales of growing media are starting to slow, gardeners are still active, thanks in part, perhaps, to the HTA autumn planting campaign.

See the full GTN Growing Media Bestsellers Chart here.  Subscribers Only

To Subscribe to the full GTN Bestsellers Weekly Charts for only £120.00 per year click here

WARNING the GTN Bestsellers Charts can seriously improve your business.  Only subscribe if you want to invest 15 minutes each week in improving your turnover and customer satisfaction.


Hozelock Group bought by French company
Hozelock, a leading supplier of pond and gardening equipment, has been acquired by precision spraying specialist Exel Industries...


Hozelock, a leading supplier of pond and gardening equipment, has been acquired by precision spraying specialist Exel Industries.

The acquisition sees one of the leading French firms in agricultural, industrial and consumer spraying, joining forces with Hozelock, to create a formidable proposition in the market for gardening-related products.

“It is unsurprising, yet flattering, that a business the scale of EXEL Industries would wish to bring Hozelock on board," said Hozelock CEO David Algar.

"We’re confident that our horticultural expertise, technical innovation and knowledge of our customers’ requirements will provide a perfect fit to Exel’s own considerable heritage and commercial ambitions and it all points towards an exciting future for Hozelock."

Exel Industries is a technology specialist in precision spraying for agriculture and industry. It employs approximately 2,800 people in 24 countries, on five continents. The group posted a turnover of €525 million for the 2011-2012 financial year.

Guerric Ballu, Managing Director of Exel Industries, added: “We welcome Hozelock Group into Exel Industries with great pleasure.

"The strong reputation of its brand names, its large distribution networks and the wide variety of its supply are important factors in continuing our growth in consumer markets. That’s why this acquisition is fully consistent with our strategy which allows EXEL Industries to keep a profitable and long term growth in our three markets.”

For further details on Hozelock’s range of products go to

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