Students must get DCF scholarship applications in by 31 January
Students with a passion for plants but limited funds to invest are encouraged to apply for a David Colegrave Foundation (DCF) scholarship by 31 January. Application forms can be found on the new DCF website; they can be submitted directly online or by email or post. Several scholarships are available in 2017, reaching support of up to £1,500, including Student Scholarships and Sponsored Scholarships by Ball Colegrave, Floranova, the South West Growers Show and the British Protected Ornamentals Association – Peter Seabrook Bursary. More than £46,000 worth of scholarships has been awarded in the past four years to students studying at 12 UK colleges. The foundation, which is administered by the HTA, is a registered charity supporting the development of students studying horticulture in the UK. It champion careers in commercial, production or retail ornamental horticulture by offering scholarships to these future horticulturists. To date, over £100,000 has been awarded. More information on scholarships on the website