Garden decoration is serious business
For the past three weeks garden decoration products, including outdoor lighting, have accounted for almost 60% of the sales volume of the Top 50 in the GTN Bestsellers Garden Products chart.
A look through the complete GTN Bestsellers database for the year indicates that garden decor products, garden lighting and ornaments have now grown to be half the size of the wild bird care market.
With new garden decoration products being launched at Glee by exhibitors including Smart Garden (battery lit Autumn Tree pictured left), Gardman, Kaemingk and new to the garden market Phillips Solar Garden Lighting, it’s about time we re-thought how these products are displayed and merchandised in-store, especially as garden decor can be added to a garden at any time of the year.
Impulse purchases to decorate a garden need stimulus to generate pick up. Customers need to be ‘sold’ the idea as well as it just being a price point decision.
As an industry we’re really good at selling the dream of house decoration for Christmas and we generate huge sales volumes.
If we apply the same creativity and thought to garden decoration we can keep driving the market growth and deliver it in ways that the high street, supermarkets and DIY stores won’t be able to keep up with.

GTN Bestsellers Top 50 sales volumes compared to the same week last year
- Garden Products – up 22%
- Veg 2 Gro – down 32%
- Growing Media – down 32%
- All items index – down 9%
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