Image of a toddler, with its back to the camera, gently touching dried organic cotton. The toddler is wearing a Ducky Zebra turquoise stripe baby bodysuit

Kinder for your skin, kinder for the planet

Made from organic cotton

All our clothes are made from GOTS certified organic cotton to reduce their environmental impact and ensure fair and safe working conditions. No harmful chemicals are used in the growing of organic cotton, and it emits up to 46% less greenhouse gases than non-organic. It also helps to make our clothes feel soft and snuggly. 

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Frustrated by the pink, blue divide?

Free from gender stereotypes

Girls' clothes are often pink, cute and impractical. They promote kindness, but not always confidence. Boys’ clothes are often blue, aggressive and adventure seeking. They promote confidence, but not always kindness. Ducky Zebra brings these two characteristics together, allowing all children, whatever their gender, to celebrate kindness and confidence.  

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Image of two happy boys, sitting and lying in the grass, surrounded by daisies wearing Ducky Zebra clothes and challenging stereotypes, with one wearing pink trainers
Image of two older children, holding the hand of a toddler. They're smiling and walking together, all wearing Ducky Zebra clothes

We want you to buy less

Sustainable clothes, made to last

We use high quality fabric, have generous sizing and include features like turn-up cuffs to increase longevity.  Our unisex clothes are designed to last and pass onto siblings and friends, regardless of the season or gender. Plus our fabrics, dyes and packaging are eco friendly to reduce their environmental impact.

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Together we create change

1% of sales donated to charity

We’re a purpose-led business committed to doing good. We donate 1% of sales to charity, partner with the Oxford Baby Bank and support the rental of kids’ clothes.

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Image of girl running outside, wearing a Ducky Zebra green dress with a fun print of hedgehogs and dogs gardening

Have you splashed kindness and confidence?

Download your Ducky Zebra Certificate

Have you made someone smile or feel special? Perhaps you’ve overcome a challenge? Or tried something different or new? Download one of our Ducky Zebra certificates to celebrate acts of kindness and confidence.

Download your certificate >
Image of a happy girl holding a Ducky Zebra affirmation certificate

Help, tips and news

Image of the back of a girl wearing a Ducky Zebra sleeveless dress dragging a sack behind her, as she walks across the grass

Free postage until 2nd June

We're taking a break from 27th May to 2nd June 2024 to hang out with the kids and re-charge before diving back into the fun and chaos of small bus...

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