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Featured Brands

resolva win a car

Win a Car with Resolva

Resolva targets weeds effectively... leaving you time to get on with your journey and we are giving anyone who buys any Resolva product the chance to win a car, a weekend getaway, or lots of gardening goodies from Westland!

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Common houseplant problems and how to solve them

Unsure why your houseplant isn't thriving? It might be experiencing common houseplant problems like over-watering, pests, or inadequate lighting. Explore our guide and find out how to rejuvenate your indoor greenery.

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june seeds to sow

Seeds to sow in June

June brings with it the longest days of the year, meaning the most sunlight available for helping newly sown seeds germinate and grow into healthy seedlings! Now is a great time to sow lettuce, beetroot, delphiniums and kale!

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june garden birds

June garden birds

June is the busiest part of the breeding season. You are most likely to spot Blue Tit and Great Tit chicks at this time of year, with their noisy begging from tree tops.

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