Four-star award for hutmaker's wildlife-friendly trade stand
Dorset-based Master Hutmaker, Plankbridge, was given with a four-star award for its wildlife friendly tradestand exhibit at RHS Chelsea Flower Show. The Victorian-inspired shepherd's hut, surrounded by pollinator friendly plants, such as foxgloves, bugloss and Primula beesiana, all supplied by Sherborne-based Castle Gardens, was commended for its inspiring and innovative design, attractive planting, significant scale of endeavour and high quality finish. Looking to engage with the next generation, the tradestand exhibit also features two bug hotels, which were built by a Dorset Wildlife Trust Forest School. Richard Lee, co-founder with Jane Dennison and owner of Plankbridge Master Hutmakers, said: “Jane and I really enjoyed the wildlife friendly gardening aspect of bringing the exhibit together. The plants were placed in rustic pots, including a galvanised bath from Jane's family farm, showing how you can combine old and new materials to create a tranquil space fit for modern day use. Our beloved bug hotels and bird's nest really helped set the scene for visitors and made sure that wildlife was at the heart of our exhibit. This award is a fantastic result for the whole team and everyone involved in bringing the stand to life, and we hope that this exhibit will inspire more people to think about wildlife when they are planning their gardens.” Each year at Chelsea, 250 tradestands are judged by long running exhibitors, successful retailers and visual merchandisers, to encourage high standards of presentation and to inspire design ideas at home.