Versatile ornamental grasses are the HTA’s ‘Plants of the Moment’ for August.
From dainty Blue Fescue to majestic Miscanthus, ornamental grasses provide qualities unmatched by many hardy perennials. Their presence develops through the seasons as bright and colourful foliage is joined by graceful flower heads that last well into winter.

Encourage customers with large borders grasses to plant them in bold groups or striking drifts; but many perform well in large patio pots, positioned where their individual shape and arching form can be fully appreciated. Popular grasses for pots include compact Blue Fescue Grass and Slender Sweet Flag ‘Ogon’, or taller varieties of Miscanthus such as the Zebra Grass (Miscanthus ‘Zebrinus’).
Taller grasses also add movement to otherwise static displays, swaying in a summer breeze to add interest and catch the eye. Growing to around 2m, the bold form of Golden Oats (Stipa gigantea) is a real showstopper. Or if space allows, a statuesque clump of Pampas Grass can put on a show of feathery plumes right into winter.
Large individuals have a real presence, taking pride of place in beds and borders, while colourful planting combinations can be created with flowering perennials like Black-eyed Susan, Coneflowers (Echinacea) and Ice Plants (sedum).
· Festuca
· Pennisetum
· Miscanthus
· Stipa
Planning and planting tips for your information leaflets
· Be generous and plant grasses in drifts or bold groups rather than as lonely individuals.
· Grasses grow well in patio pots, but make sure tall varieties are planted in large, heavy pots to prevent them blowing over in strong winds.
· Line terracotta pots with plastic from old compost bags to help conserve moisture.
· The tops of some perennial, like miscanthus, die over winter. Promptly cut away all old growth to avoid damaging new shoots that start emerging in early spring.
Other popular ornamental grasses include Slender Sweet Flag ‘Ogon’ (Acorus gramineus ‘Ogon’), Arundo donax, Cortaderia (Pampas Grass), Imperata, Millium,
Planting partners for ornamental grasses include, Achillea, Astrantia, Bergamot (Monarda didyma), Black-eyed Susan, Rudbeckia, Centaurea, Cirsium rivulare ‘Atropurpureum’, Herb Fennel.