What will the next 10 years bring for garden retailing?

George Bullivant, will chair a panel session looking at the key questions such as: The impact of Brexit, what will it be and who bears the cost, and, with so much change over the last 10 years in garden retail what will the next 10 years bring?
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Why do profitable businesses lose the art of start?
Leonard Diepenbrock, Managing Director, TOX-Dübel-Technik GmbH, will give an inspiring wake-up call that will make you run out of excuses and start something tomorrow...
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Plants can be used to mitigate the effects of climate change

Dr Ross Cameron, Senior Lecturer in Landscape Management, Ecology and Design from the University of Sheffield examines the climate predictions for the UK and looks at how this will affect gardening and garden retail...
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Being brave, fresh thinking, embracing diversity and knowing what makes a business stand out from the crowd
Paul Pleydell – Director – design and business consultants, Pleydell Smithyman, will explore some of the trends and opportunities that could shape tomorrow’s garden centre...
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People are the lifeblood of the horticulture industry

David Barker from The Learning Eye demonstrates how any organisation, however large or small, can harness technology for education and that if implemented correctly can directly enhance business performance...
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