HTA aims to give National Plant Show visitors a VIP experience
It’s just three weeks until the HTA National Plant Show 2017 opens its doors – and the organisers are emphasising a number of enhancements designed to create a VIP experience for visitors, including an app to help you plan stand visits and seminar attendances. Rehydration stations around the halls will offer ice cold lemon and mint infused water, fruit stops, and food-on-the-go pods where you can pick up a bowl of soup and a bread roll, all free of charge.
With this year’s partnership between the Salon du Végétal fair, HTA National Plant Show and HTA Nursery Supply Show, more European visitors are expected this year, with direct and indirect flights between Nantes and Birmingham and welcome lounges for overseas buyers. The FOC show app is available for downloading (search for ‘HTA Plant Show’ in the App Store for Apple devices and Google PlayStore for Android devices). It features seminar listings in which you can set reminders, a full exhibitor listing with contact details and links to websites (plus the ability to highlight any you have visited as a post-show reminder) as well as speaker and sponsor profiles, notes capacity and more. Visitors can register for a visitor badge in advance on the show website
