18 Days to Christmas - Are you The Greatest Christmas Garden Centre Team?
Voting for The Greatest Christmas Garden Centre Team is underway!

It's the most sought after Christmas award in the industry, The Greatest Christmas Garden Centre Team, as it's the only award voted for by the people who matter most, your customers.
All you have to do to take part is download the pdf files listed below, print out the posters and voting forms, set up boxes for customers to pop their completed forms in and then invite your customers to vote for your team in the quest for Christmas Greatness.
The winners, presented at The Greatest Awards Christmas Party in Harrogate on January 11th 2015, will be the teams with the most votes in relation to their total number of staff members. That's why every size of garden centre can compete.
And every garden centre team that takes part wins in the voting. You'll be amazed at the wonderful feedback you get from the Christmas voting forms, which you can look through before you send into us for counting and verification.
You can hand out your voting forms in your restauarnt and coffee shop, grotto, reception desk and at the tills. The more votes your team acquires the more postive feedback you'll see and the better your chance of winning.
Voting starts on Monday 24th November and runs through until 4pm on Christmas Eve, Wednesday 24th December 2014. You'll need to package up your votes and get them into the post to The Greatest Christmas Awards, The Old School, 4 Crowland Road, Eye, Peterborough, PE6 7TN so that we receive them by January 2nd 2015. If you have any questions, please call us on 01733 775700.
As you know The Greatest Christmas Awards judges are out and about meeting teams and collecting information for all of the other Christmas Awards categories. From now on we will also be looking out for the most innovative ways of garnering customer votes too!
Links for downloads:
Poster artwork: The Greatest Christmas Awards 2014 Poster.pdf
Voting Forms artwork: The Greatest Christmas Awards Voting Postcard front and back ready for duplex printing.pdf
The Greatest Christmas Awards Voting Postcard Address side.pdf
The Greatest Christmas Awards Voting Postcard Voting side.pdf
Post your votes here artwork: The Greatest Christmas Awards Post Your Votes Here.pdf
Also available via dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/69tcbycwte53c0v/AABgbFWeKYxdJPKW1qinAORza?dl=0
Please contact trevor.pfeiffer@tgcmc.co.uk or call 07973 504214 if you have any problems downloading the artworks.
The sponsors for The Greatest Christmas Awards are: